6 - The Pulse of the Aspiring Hero

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-3rd Person POV-

The reactions among the students varied widely, reflecting the spectrum of emotions stirred by Izuku's astonishing feat. While many showered him with praise, marveling at the display of power his Quirk showcased, Bakugo stood out among them, visibly stunned by the unexpected turn of events. The realization hit him with a forceful impact: the same kid he had tormented for years for his lack of a Quirk had suddenly surpassed him, eclipsing his score by a mere 0.1 meters.

Tatsuya picked up on the subtle shift in Bakugo's scent, the air around him crackling with the building tension. His hands began to emit small explosions, a manifestation of the anger boiling within him. With a surge of determination, Bakugo launched himself towards Izuku, his features twisted in a mask of fury. Sensing the impending clash, the wolf boy sprang into action, moving swiftly to intercept Bakugo and prevent any harm.

"DEKU, YOU BASTARD! TELL ME HOW YOU DID THAT, OR YOU'RE DEAD!" the ash-blonde yelled with raw intensity, the force of his words laced with palpable aggression. Izuku recoiled, his expression betraying a mixture of fear and bewilderment in the face of Bakugo's explosive outburst.

As Tatsuya closed the distance between himself and Bakugo, his focus sharpened on the unfolding confrontation. However, before he could intervene, Aizawa's capture scarf surged into action with swift precision, encircling Bakugo and effectively immobilizing him on the spot. The sudden restraint caught Tatsuya off guard, halting him in his tracks just in time to avert a collision with the ensnared ash-blonde.

"What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?" Bakugo grunted, his muscles tensing as he struggled against the unyielding grip of the scarf wrapped around him.

"Because it's a capture weapon made of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy," Aizawa explained sternly, his gaze piercing. "Stand down. It'd be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much; it gives me serious dry eye."

"Too bad. That power is amazing!" the students said in unison.

"Akiba, I'm the one who handles my students' attitude; don't intervene," Aizawa stated firmly, his gaze shifting towards the wolf boy. "Whoever's next can step up."

With a decisive release, Aizawa freed Bakugo from the firm grip of his scarf, prompting Tatsuya to cautiously retreat while keeping a watchful eye on the ash-blonde. Meanwhile, Izuku maneuvered around Bakugo, swiftly following Tatsuya's lead as Bakugo's intense glare remained fixed on the ground.

"Ouch, is your finger okay?" Uraraka asked Izuku, her voice filled with concern.

"Sure. Fine!" Izuku blurted out with a dumbfounded expression, his attempt to engage in conversation evident.

"Nice one, dude!" Tatsuya complimented warmly, offering Izuku a reassuring pat on the shoulder accompanied by a slight but genuine smile.

After the ball throw was the last few tests, and the wolf boy couldn't shake the sight of Izuku's struggle as he persevered through the pain. Despite his efforts, the broccoli boy continued to lag behind, while Tatsuya excelled in the subsequent physical challenges. The wolf boy couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, sensing he hadn't been able to offer as much assistance to Izuku as he had hoped.

Amidst the trials, Tatsuya found himself stealing glances at the girl with earphone jacks on her earlobes, a nagging sense of familiarity tugging at his memory. Despite his efforts to recall where he had met her before, the memory remained elusive, slipping through his grasp like grains of sand through fingers.

Eventually, the strain of the tests took its toll on Izuku, and he collapsed onto the ground, his body succumbing to exhaustion. As he struggled to catch his breath, he opened his eyes to find Tatsuya standing over him, his ears drooping in concern as he extended a helping hand, offering to lift Izuku back onto his feet.

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