10 - Going Beyond

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A/N: For anyone who has been reading this series since the very beginning, you might notice a change—I've decided to split the previous chapter in half. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!


-Tatsuya's POV-

After being hurled into the water by Nomu's relentless assault, a sense of weightlessness enveloped me as I descended deeper into the dark abyss. Despite my unwavering resolve to continue the fight, my limbs seemed to betray me, responding sluggishly to my commands. The fervent desire to propel myself upwards, to break through the surface and inhale a desperate breath of air, surged through my being, yet my muscles remained inert, bound by an unseen force that rendered them motionless.

"I can't... move," I thought, a pang of frustration and helplessness coursing through me. My eyes squeezed shut, revealing a cascade of images: my classmates, their determined faces etched with concern and camaraderie, standing resolute in my memory. "I'm sorry, everyone... I wasn't strong enough to protect any of you..." The visions shifted, transforming into the faces of Izuku and Inko, the two people who gave me the chance to become the person I am today. "I'm not strong enough to do anything..."

My thoughts were abruptly shattered by the distant, muffled sound of a splash, an eerie echo that cut through the haze surrounding my senses. Yet, when I blinked my eyes open, I found no one in sight. Then, a peculiar sensation tugged at my jacket, and before I could process it, my body was hoisted upwards, breaking through the water's surface. Coughing and spluttering, I found myself deposited onto the ground, lying on my side, as I puked the water that had invaded my lungs in a torrent of retching.

"Are you... alright... Akiba?" a familiar voice gasped, each word punctuated by strained breaths. I turned towards the sound, my eyes meeting a pair of gloves and boots.

"Hagakure?" I breathed out, my voice still shaky as I attempted to regain control of my breathing.

"Yeah, it's me," came her response, the tremor in her tone betraying a blend of relief and concern.

"It looks like we're even. Thank you..." I managed a weak chuckle, the sound feeble against the backdrop of my lingering fatigue. With each attempt to rise to my feet, my muscles protested, protesting against the strain they had endured.

"It's what we—what do you think you're doing?!" Hagakure's sudden outburst shattered the fragile calm, her voice a sharp contrast to the relative quiet that had settled over us. Concern and disbelief mingled in her tone, reflecting the tumult of emotions that churned within her as she surveyed my battered form.

"There's... not a lot... of time!" I strained, each word punctuated by a sharp intake of breath as I felt the weight of exhaustion bearing down on me, my legs buckling beneath me and sending me crashing to the ground in a haphazard heap.

"You've done enough already! You don't have to hurt yourself anymore!" Hagakure's voice rang out, filled with anguish and concern, her hands gripping my shoulders with a reassuring firmness as she knelt beside me.

"I can still..." I agonized, my voice trembling with effort and determination despite the overwhelming odds stacked against me. With a fierce resolve burning within me, I pressed onward, mustering every ounce of strength to propel myself forward, my good hand clawing at the ground as I fought to crawl forward.

"I'm serious! Please stop, Akiba!" Hagakure's plea pierced through the chaos, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held me back.

In the haze of my exhaustion, I felt the world around me blur and distort, my senses faltering as if submerged in a sea of overwhelming fatigue. Tears welled in my eyes, tracing silent paths down my cheeks, each droplet a testament to the weight of helplessness that burdened my soul.

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