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Hello, beautiful readers! Thank you for choosing to read "The Class That Cried Werewolf!" Before you dive into this awesome story, there are some things I need to go over.

First and foremost, I want to clarify that this work is a piece of fanfiction based on the My Hero Academia universe. However, I want to emphasize that I do not possess any ownership over the original series or any of its associated elements, with the exception of the character Tatsuya. Everything else belongs to Horikoshi. Throughout the narrative, I will strive to align with the anime's core events, albeit with a few creative deviations for added excitement. Tatsuya will replace Koda in this story to have Class 1-A keep the same number of students.

It's important to highlight that this story falls within the young adult genre. Consequently, the content will encompass a range of themes including, but not limited to, strong language, intense action, depiction of injuries, portrayal of mental health struggles, and exploration of other delicate subjects that could potentially distress certain readers. It's crucial to recognize that "The Class That Cried Werewolf" may not be suitable for all audiences. I strongly advise reader discretion, and I want to ensure you are fully aware of the forthcoming content.

To address concerns and respect the sensitivities of all readers, I've taken measures to incorporate trigger warnings at the outset of some chapters. Furthermore, I'm committed to providing supplementary alerts preceding any scenes that may involve sensitive or suggestive content, offering readers the option to skip such parts if desired.

Thank you for taking the time to acquaint yourself with these preliminary remarks. Your enjoyment of "The Class That Cried Werewolf" is of utmost importance to me, and I hope this disclaimer effectively sets the tone for what lies ahead. Happy reading!

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