🎥Two Heroes: Part 1

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-Tatsuya's POV-

"...you asleep?" A sudden jerk disrupted my slumber, prompting me to open my eyes slowly.

Initially greeted by darkness, I closed my eyes again before lifting the sleep mask off. Once more, I opened them, revealing the interior of the private plane illuminated by soft ambient light. Plush leather seats adorned the cabin, providing a comfortable and luxurious space for the journey.

"Hey, Izuku..." I stifled a yawn as I stretched, the weariness of sleep lingering. "What's happening?"

"Look, we can see it!" Excitement laced Izuku's voice as he beckoned me to look out the window, pressing his cheek against the glass. "Right there!"

I shifted my gaze to the window and beheld our destination—a futuristic and technologically advanced cityscape. The city was adorned with matching infrastructure and towering skyscrapers, giving it a distinctively modern and sleek appearance. This was the floating city that could move anywhere, home to over ten thousand scientists: I-Island. It marked the beginning of our summer vacation, a place filled with the promise of cutting-edge facilities and innovation. I couldn't help but let out an impressed whistle, my anticipation growing for the wonders this island held.

"I didn't realize you'd be this excited, boys." I turned to see All Might standing over the backrest, addressing us with a warm smile. "I'm glad I invited you."

"Yeah, you're sure it's okay we came along with you?" Izuku asked, turning to face the Number One Hero. "It's not going to be a problem?"

"Don't even think twice about it," All Might reassured, his voice carrying the weight of conviction. "The invitation was clear: I'm welcome to bring whoever I want as my guest."

"But doesn't that usually mean a family member or—" Izuku started to say, but I interrupted him with a flick to the forehead.

"I think you're forgetting that you and All Might are connected by something far thicker than blood, Izuku. You two have the bond of One for All," I reminded him.

"Right, but don't forget, All Might invited you, too, Tatsuya," Izuku said.

"Technically, the officials of the I-Expo invited me to the pre-opening since I was the runner-up in the sports festival. That just made it easier for us to travel together," I corrected him before crossing my arms in contemplation. "I wasn't expecting that to happen, but I'm not complaining."

A ding echoed through the plane's speaker, capturing our attention. "Attention, passengers! The plane will soon begin its descent to I-Island," the pilot's voice announced over the paging system.

All Might's demeanor shifted, a subtle sigh escaping his lips. "This is going to be monumentally exhausting," he remarked. Izuku and I turned to see him preparing for the change, his form shifting into the iconic muscular stature representing the Symbol of Peace. "Once we've landed and gone out in public, I must maintain my muscle form constantly."

In his larger form, All Might had to squat slightly, mindful of the limited space within the plane. "Now, it's about time you two change as well. You asked U.A. if you could bring your hero costumes with you, right?"

"Yes!" Izuku replied eagerly, and I answered with a determined nod.

The prospect of embracing the challenges that awaited us on I-Island marked the beginning of another adventure in our lives. The anticipation for the unfolding events and the responsibility of representing U.A. and All Might in this futuristic city heightened the sense of purpose and exhilaration as we changed into our costumes amidst our preparation for the descent.

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