Chapter 8

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*I'm sorry for not updating lately. I've lots of exams and stuff go on. Soz this chapter's short :) Hope you enjoy it *

Samantha POV

My cheek ached. There was a box of tissues on the drawer, next to me. I grabbed some tissues in a cloddish manner to wipe my mouth. The tender flesh pulsated and I gritted my teeth. I need to leave this place as soon as I get the chance. If I stay here any longer then he'll kill me...eventually...I don't know what to do...

Footsteps echoed in the hallway. I heard a faint knock from the door. When I looked up, a cherubic young man stood in the hallway. He had light brown hair with slick streaks of blonde trailing down it. Bright blue orbs gaped at me. He was skinny but not scrawny. When I shifted forward slightly, I could establish his buttoned down shirt and dress pants. He looked really formal. Observing his appearance, I assumed he was maybe 17 or 18. The young man edged towards the bed, hesitantly.

"H-hi....boss sent me to keep an eye you." His voice was so subtle.

"Look I don't know who you are but I surely don't think I need a babysitter!" Venom laced my voice as I spat out. I kinda felt bad for him-he looked so shy and timid.

"I'm sorry but boss has told me to do this. If I don't..." He paused and swallowed a dry lump in his throat. "...he'll kill me.." He trailed off. My heart throbbed at the feeling of this young kid dying. He looks like he hasn't even lived life yet. The thought made cringe.

"Fine but if you're gonna 'babysit' me, I gotta know your name first. Mine is Samantha." I air quoted 'babysit'.

" it's Flavio..." His voice was once again timid.

"'s kinda got a ring to it, don't you think?" A small smile came to his lips.

"Okay, I'm going stand outside the door if you need me." He walked off as I just smiled back.

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