Chapter 27

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Samantha P.O.V

I harshly pressed the elevator buttons. Shocked and amused guests gawked in my direction. They were whispering to each other, of course about me! One woman smirked at my plight. She was probably one of those snobbish rich kids. 

"You want a knuckle sandwich or somethin' ?!" I seethed. My hands balled into a fist and I took a step towards her. She jumped and mumbled something in Italian. She then grimaced and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, roll your probably might find that you got no brain in your head!" I was about to pound her face but the elevator doors opened. Lucky, bitch.

I stepped in. Thankfully there was no one in there. As I was about to press the button for my floor, I saw Gregory running towards me. I can't be bothered to look at anyone, right now. I simply pressed the button to close the doors before Gregory could get to me. He was inches away from the silver doors but they closed on him, I let out a sigh of relief. 

As soon as I got into my room, I headed straight for the shower. I stripped and dumped my wet clothes on the cabinet next to shower. The warmth of the shower made me  let out a small moan. I ran my hands through my hair to wash off the chlorine. Despite already having a shower in the morning, I scrubbed myself well and thoroughly washed my hair. Ten minutes into my shower, I could hear my phone ringing faintly. I couldn't be bothered to answer it so I left it ringing. After a minute, it began to ring again. It's probably Gregory, I thought. I left it ringing. It then rang a third time! This isn't funny! I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me and walked to the bed, where I left my phone. When I picked it up, I was slightly confused...

'3 Missed Calls: Unknown Number'

"Urr...okay then..." I mumbled to myself. It was kinda creepy. I brushed it off and tossed my phone onto the bed.

Instantly, it began ringing again. I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned towards the phone. It was the 'Unknown Number' again. My heart began thudding as I didn't who was calling me so many times. Hesitantly, I picked up the phone...

"H-hello..." I stuttered.

".........." There was no reply but someone was breathing heavily. 

"Who is this?"

"........." Still no reply and the perverted mouth breathing continued.

"Look, whoever this is, stop calling me or i'll call the police!" I abruptly hung up and threw the phone onto the bed. I gulped and turned away, not wanting to look at it. 

Knock! Knock! I jumped and let out a tiny squeal. I doubt that whoever knocked heard me. Before I opened the door, I realised I was in my towel. I rushed to the bathroom and wore my black silk robe, which was up to my mid thigh. I opened the door partly as I didn't want to expose my whole self. 

"Hi." Gregory greeted, scratching his head. 

"Oh, it's just you." I sighed in relief and opened the door wider. 

His eyed roamed my whole body and he smirked. 

"Are you trying to tease me?" He licked his lips and nodded in satisfaction.

"Stop eye raping me and tell me why you're here!" I clutched onto my robe and held it closer to me. See, this is why I can't trust Liz when it comes to packing my clothes. She always packs me the most inappropriate of clothing. 

He rested his hands on my hips and pulled me towards him. "You're not wearing anything under this, are you?" Amusement laced in his voice. 

"You're such a pervert....Let me go so I can put something on." I slapped his chest and glared at him. He held onto me tighter and winked.

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