Chapter 14

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Samantha POV

6 months later....

I watched beneath me as Liz wrestled with Carlos on the floor. Liz reached for his hair as Carlos pinned her down. They have been married 2 months now and they still fight like cat and dog! Liz kept spitting out curses whilst Carlos watched with a puzzled expression on his face. Amused by the chaos on the floor, I nibbled on my popcorn-I didn't give a crap about the TV.

"Hey! You stupid asshole, get your chicken thighs off my ass!!! I will pu-" Liz paused then darted her head towards my direction. "Why the fuck are you laughing, Sam? When I'm finished with him I'm gonna come for you next..." She threatened then began striking Carlos in the face again. 

"Look, if you two wanted some 'alone time' then you could of just said so. I'll go watch the movie in my bedroom." I teased as I winked at my muddled best friend. Carlos chuckled at the thought and earned fist to his stomach.

"Aaah! Sam, why is she so moody?..."He rubbed the sore area where Liz's hands had pounded him."Babe, are you menstruating coz I really think those hormones are flying around everywhere?" Liz's cheeks reddened and she huffed the single strand of hair from her face.

"Shut up! I'll deal with you later. Sam, do you want a sandwich? I'm famished after what just happened..." She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Carlos whilst nodded.

"Babe, make me one." Carlos whined like a 5 year old.

"No, make it yourself, idiota." Liz paused abruptly as Carlos spanked her ass. "Oh you had to do that, didn't you?! That's it you're dead, Carlos!" She screamed and Carlos sprinted out the apartment door, Liz following.

"Ugh, what a bunch of kids." I murmured to myself, rolling my eyes. I placed some pressure on the couch as I pushed myself up. The blanket fell down to my feet, revealing my ballooned torso. It strained the gray sweatshirt that was way too big for my shoulders and arms. I cradled my bloated stomach, one hand above the other. 

Yes, I am pregnant. I've been carrying this blossoming bud of happiness for six months now. Each day I nurture and love this tiny being inside me. This baby is Anthony's. A month after I escaped, I found out I was pregnant. I knew this baby was the result of that horrible night and desperately wanted to get rid of it so bad. But something inside me prevented me from do this. Guilt. Gradually, the pang of guilt ate away each inch of my mind. It made me go crazy! When this baby comes, I'm going love it and care for it so much that no other mother would be able to love their child like that. No matter what, i'll protect this baby with everything I got. 

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. Liz entered the apartment and sighed out of defeat. I knew she would never have caught up with Carlos. That dude is fast! 

"Yo Lizzy,  you still up for that sandwich?" I grinned at her plight: she had strands of hair hanging limply to her forehead, to the sheen of sweat that covered her skin.

"Nah, that dickhead pissed my hunger off." She pouted. We paused then broke down into tears of laughter.

"You know you cursing him isn't gonna help the situation, honey?"

"Yeah well I don't give a crap. He deserves it. I can't believe I married a fool like him. You're lucky you've got no one to piss you off." She scrunched her face into a knot.

"You married him because you love him and you still do. You two bickering is a sign of your love for one another. So appreciate it." My smile faded into a thin line. I wish I had a boyfriend or husband to love me like Carlos loves Liz. She doesn't know how lucky she is.

"Aw sweety, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring this topic up. Sorry." Liz extended her arms and embraced me, overlapping her long arms around me. A slight distance between us because of my bump.

"It's okay." I said.


Next Day...

It was another fresh day. I inhaled the damp scent of forthcoming rain which drizzled down my window. It was a grey morning with a dull sky threatening rain. The wind was sighing and thrashing in the tree tops and the boughs moaned. Nothing beats a dreary British morning. 

I brushed my teeth and showered. Next, I put a black sweatshirt on and a grey pair of jeans. The looseness of the material disguised my bump which was good. Martin, my manager doesn't know how heavily pregnant I am. If he knew about my pregnancy, he would make me stay at home. However, I can't do that because I need the cash to feed me and the little one.  I grabbed some breakfast and dashed out the flat. 

I strolled passed many salmon-painted houses. Each a different shape of its own. The sound of shuffling leaves danced in the wind. The pavements were filled with squabbling, pecking pigeons. The noise from the traffic invades my thoughts. Lorries making deliveries, clattering and banging as the drivers empty their cargo without a care. The heavy smell of exhaust fumes fills my nostrils and I long to inhale the sweet aroma of my coffee. The street seems to be getting busier. More people, carrying more bags, spending more money. Arguing with their partners loudly as the stress gets to the most patient of people. The café in comparison is much calmer. After 5 minutes of numbness and grazing my skin against the freezing blows shot by the wind, I arrived at my destination. The cafe was was a brown, minuscule building. Its size no greater than a garage. The chipped wood curled into itself like long finger nails. The powdery white paint flew away like dust when the wind brushed it. The crooked sign saying 'Café  Newton'. When I entered it, the faint bell hummed and the overwhelming smell of coffee wafted through the air. A metallic table reflected the crescent like shape sun which blinded me for a few split seconds.  A burly man with grey hair crowning his head stepped out to greet me. When I perfected my vision Martin was in sight. He shook my hand and greeted me.

"Good morning, Samantha. How are you doing today?" He was polite. 

"Fine thanks, Martin.  What should I start off with today? The dishes, tables, cash machine...?" I inquired as I searched the café for any items out of place. Surprisingly, everything was up to scratch.

"Well we are quite short on staff today so I think it would be best if you were taking orders. Is that okay with you, Samantha? Oh and about your wages, i'll give you the cash in a second." His thin lips cracked into a toothy grin.

"Sure, i'll get started." I returned the smile.

It was now 8 o' Clock, the busiest time of the morning. Customers rushed in and out of the café. The atmosphere grew heavy as I repeatedly took in orders of coffees and breakfast for two hours. 

"Hi, how can I help you, sir?" I turned only to be met by that face that I never wanted to see in my life ever again. His brown tousled hair curled at the tips. He wore a white polo shirt and black jeans. His chiseled feature were so defined- high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. There was something slightly different about his eyes. They were still grey but they didn't portray the hatred and anger he always held within. These set of eyes were more comforting and warmer. I melted as my heart stopped for a few seconds. Unexpectedly, adrenaline kicked in and I realized this was Anthony. The very same beast who inflicted his brutal ways on me, the very man I hate. I'd recognize that handsome yet nightmarish face anywhere. I spilt the coffee on the floor and darted out the fire exit. Before I knew it I had two men chasing after me. One was Martin, who popped his bald head up from a crowd of customers, and Anthony, who was sprinting after me like some nut job. Skidding across the heavily traffic filled road, cars furiously beeped at me. I clutched onto my stomach as a car drove straight into me. I let out a blood curdling scream as my head emptied with blood and a strong zap of pain jolted through my stomach. Anthony rushed towards my limp body and cradled me. His hand was shaking as he called emergency services. The last thing I thought was 'my baby', before darkness swarmed my vision.


Hey guys, soz for making ya'll wait so long ;)

Hope you like this chap.

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Thanks guys, ya'll so great!!


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