Chapter 10

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Samantha POV

The hot water stream collides into my skin, releasing tension. I close my eyes, and the hot steam envelopes my body. As I wash the shampoo suds off me, the water sending them in little streams down my back. Warm droplets formed steam as I stood there without moving at all. My skin was burning from the mellow droplets morphing into sharp little blades of fire. Thoughts rushed through my head:

'Why is he taking me to the party? What will happen when we get there? Oh god, what if he doesn't take me to the party, and he stops the car in the middle of no where and tries to assault me? Anything could happen!!'

I let out a small moan of frustration. I turned the water off and proceeded to wipe the beads of water on my olive skin. I stepped out of the shower. My feet squelched as I walked into the room. The dress laid on the bed. It was spread on the velvet, white sheets. No wrinkly veins overlapped the net material; it was ironed to perfection. The door and windows were locked so I released my towel. Swiftly, I grabbed the lacy lingerie which was placed next to the dress. I put it on and reached for the dress. I curled my hair lightly. Lastly, I put the rest of the jewelry on and applied some make to go with it. When it came to brushing the rouge on my cheek, my hand rubbed the swollen lump which had formed. A purple and red bruise formed from when I had received from one of Anthony's blows. I covered the wound with concealer to make it look as discrete as possible.

I glimpsed at the clock as I grasped by red heels. It was 7 o'clock. Grabbing my clutch, I rushed down the hallway. It was one long hallway. I don't how people were able to find their way around this place. It was HUGE! As I scanned the painting blurring past me, a door came into view. I heard whispers from the other side of the door. Out of curiosity, I drifted towards the door. When I edged forward, the voices became clearer-one of the voices was Anthony's. I peered through.

"Don't worry mama, she's settling in well.....Yes! Yes! I plan on taking her to Lorenzo's Party......." He trailed off. There was a slight pause until his voice continued. "Mama, i'll make sure you have little grand babies giggling and running around you, soon." He chuckled.

OH HELL NO! This creep will not be getting into my pants anytime soon! What the hell is he talking about?! He knows I hate him, let alone want to have his kids! Out of confusion and rage, my hand unintentionally hit the vase behind me. Shit! The vase collapsed beneath me and.......SMASH!!!! I tried to hide behind a pillar but I was too late. Before I knew it, I felt a hand clasp my wrist.

"What is the meaning of this?-" Anthony screeched out furiously.

Crap! Now what do I say?...."Oh my gosh, I-I'm so sorry. I-I was just trying to find my way out here.....and then the vase f-fell..." My whole body was trembling as Anthony's beautiful features scrunched up in confusion. Two seconds later, I heard a roar of laughter. Wait, what? Why is he laughing at me??

Red colored in my cheeks, "Wait, why are you laughing at me?"

"Because....." More laughter. "It looks like you've seen a ghost, cara mia!"

"Well technically, I thought I would've seen something worse than a ghost, your anger." I retorted.

"I can't be that bad...." He tried to laugh it off, however there was guilt laced in his voice. There was an awkward silence and I cleared my throat. When I looked at him, his view was directly on my inflamed cheek. His eyes were glazed. He gently gestured his hand, towards my cheek, to stroke it. I didn't give him permission, yet I didn't flinch. His soft palms cupped my face. I hissed slightly but the soft sensation of his strokes soothed me.

"I'm really sorry, cara mia." Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. My back slammed against the pillar. I hesitated. My arms tried its best to push him away, but he pinned them above my head. His tongue lingered on my bottom lip as he sucked on it. Despite my desperate pleas, he continued to nibble on my lips. His hands roamed my body and eventually squeezed my thighs. With all the force I could gather, I pushed him off!

"What do you think you're doing?!" My body heaved with rage.

"Don't you dare push me away like that! I can kiss you and touch you however I like!"

I slapped him, his face violently jerked to one side. "You disgusting pervert! You will NEVER EVER lay a finger on me! Do you get that?!"

Anthony inched forward, forcing me step back. The back of his hand collided with my cheek. Ha! Payback's a bitch!

"YOU BITCH! DON'T EVER HIT ME AGAIN OR GOD SO HELP YOU!!!!" Anthony growled wrathfully. His nails dug into my arms as he shook me.

"Ow-ww.....please stop.....Anthony you're hurting me.....please....I beg of you..." Tears rolled down my face as I pleaded.

"You! You deserve to be punished! I can't have my future wife disrespecting me! You need to learn some rules around here, sweetheart......" His face came closer to the side of my face. I could feel his warm breath, sending chills down my neck. "ONE! You will never EVER disrespect me! TWO! I can touch you, kiss you, fuck you however I like! AND THREE! YOU ARE MINE AND YOU WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE ME! DO YOU GET THAT?!!!" His voice was mocking and full of venom.

My eyes continued to empty tears as I nodded in submission.

"Good Girl." Anthony released my arms kissed the top of my head.

"By the way, you look so sexy right now that I want to take you right here." He huskily whispered into the crook of neck, as he inhaled the sweet scent of my perfume. That sent chills through my spine.

I wiped my tears, trying not to smudge my makeup, "I think we should go to the Party. Your client must be waiting.." I managed to conceal the fear with a small smile.

"Eager are we?" Yup! Eager to get away from being alone with you!

"C'mon then baby, lets go." He slid his arm around my waist as he led my down the hall way. The chauffeur stood outside, in a slick black suit, holding the door for me and Anthony. Anthony waited patiently for me slide in before he did the same too. I watched the bushes run passed me as the driver sped off into the night.

I don't what's going to happen tonight, but I juts hope I have enough luck to escape.


Hey, I'm sorry I haven't updated recently. I was really busy with school stuff lol

I hope you enjoy this chapter xxx

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