Chapter 15

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Samantha POV

*Start of Dream*

I paced closer to the black door. It was dark and eerie. Sounds of blood curdling screams deafened my ears. When I inched forward, the door creaked open slightly. White light beamed through and I flinched at the brightness of it. The screams became louder. I pushed the door open and for a second, an overload of illuminating light blinded my vision. It took me a good few moments to gain my sight back. Two shadows appeared- one sat limply on a chair whilst the other overshadowed it. The blurriness of the shadows made them look almost static. When I looked to my left Anthony was towering over a woman. His face was scrunched up into knot and furry radiated off him. The woman was gagged and her hair was stuck to the beads of blood on her face. Her clothes were ripped but her torso was swollen, like mine. Anthony roughly grabbed her chin and strands of hair moved away from her face. When he did that I was able to observe her battered face. I gasped at the brutality this monster had caused her. This woman was me. Blood poured out of my nose and my swollen lip was split. Grazes and cuts were engraved all over my face.

"You little bitch! You dare run away from me!! This is what I will do to you every time you try to escape me! You tried to escape with my child?!" He spat in the woman's (who is me) face. His fist collided with her cheek and her face jerked to the side. I hissed at the feeling of getting punched.

"You're still fucking lucky you're still alive. I'm impressed cara mia, you're very strong aren't you. Many would have died instantly with one blow." He chuckled. "This baby is my baby! No one and I mean no one will dare separate us! You understand me?!" With one final blow to her eye he backed away. The woman in the chair didn't respond in any way. This isn't the 'me' I know. I always fight back. Why wasn't she fighting back?

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. A heavy pressure surrounded my head. When I searched around the room I didn't see Anthony. Where could he possibly have gone. Just then a hand clutched my wrist and twisted me around. I was met with Anthony's gaze.

"Where do you think you're going, cara mia? You can't escape me. No matter how much you escape I'll always find you. You're mine! This baby's mine! You're mine, Samantha. And I swear you will be mine forever!" The last couple of words echoed as my body drifted apart from his. Everything turned black but those haunting words repeated and repeated making me scream....

*End of dream*

I am in a heavy black cloud. Nothing to see. Nothing to hear. Just this heaviness in my whole body. So heavy that I cannot move. I can't remember how to open my eyes. Then I start to hear noises. The buzz of machines. Clicking of feet near me. Quiet talking. I lie still. I strain to hear and makes sense of it all. No idea. Where am I and why? Next I feel some light shining on my closed eyes - a pink glow. I struggle to open them. Success. I am in a bright white place. Someone is bending over me. He says my name. And again. I try to remember how to talk. No words come, but I blink hard. Again he calls me. Again I try to answer. Suddenly I clear my throat. I think I am about to shout. But all that comes out is a tiny whisper 'What happened?"

"Samantha? Samantha, can you hear me?" The honeyed voice kept calling my name.

My eyes burst open and Anthony was hovering over me. My heart was thudding fast, sweat emerged from my pores and my breathing hitched. I tried absorb his face but I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream as loud as I could but something prevented the noise from coming out of my mouth. I was in shock. I frantically grasped the bed sheets and my legs violently bashed against the sheets.

"Samantha....Sshh. Stop panicking. It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you." He hushed as his hand clamped over my mouth. "Doctor! Doctor! Please come quickly!" he called out as his face became more distant. An old man rushed into the room and I saw panic in his eyes. He had a green file in his hands and was wearing a white coat.

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