Chapter 30

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Samantha P.O.V


"Wakey wakey." Someone chuckled menacingly as they splashed freezing water on my face. I choked in response as I swallowed some of the water. My vision was still blurred and I attempted to look at them. The throbbing pain in my head made me wince. I tried to steady my head but I realised my hands and feet were bound.

"What the fuck?!" I spat out harshly. When my vision was back, I identified the shadowy figure in front of me. "Anthony." I gulped.

"It's nice to see you too, darling." He scoffed.

"Where am I? What have you done with Gregory?" I squirmed in the chair and I desperately searched the dark room.

"You won't be seeing him anytime soon..." A sinister chuckle irrupted from his chest.

"You pussy! Don't you dare fucking lay a finger on him!" I seethed. Anthony's fist struck my jaw, causing my head to whip to the other side. The pain was so bad that it numbed my mouth and I couldn't open it.

"You've still got a mouth on ya, haven't you?!" He harshly held my chin in between his fingers. When his face was inches away from mine, he whispered: "Let me tell you something...There was never a Gregory...It was me all along." Releasing my jaw, he stepped back to look at my pained expression.

"What?" A tear rolled down my cheek as I tried to comprehend what he just said. No Gregory? "I don't believe you! Where is he? Tell me the truth!" Anger started to bubble within me.

"You were tougher than I thought. You didn't give yourself up to me so easily." His glazed eyes pierced right through me.

"Stop fucking around! Just tell me where he is!" He's fucking playing with me, isn't he? I'm not buying this shit.

He chuckled and it echoed through out the eerie room. "You're so deluded..." He paused. "Bring him in." He called out to someone. I thought he was bringing Gregory in, but instead I saw Carlos. His face was completely battered, it was almost impossible for me to recognise him. There were some scars on his head, where I believe they wounded him before. Blood gushed out of his mouth. They dragged him and then threw him in front of me.

"No." I whispered. "Why did you hurt him? He's not involved in this" More tears spurted out.

"Speak!" Anthony kicked his stomach and Carlos heaved. Twisting my bound arms, I could feel my wrists burning as they grazed my skin.

"S-samantha..."He breathed out. I can't imagine the excruciating pain he's going through. "He's telling the truth." He eventually stated. Carlos looked up at me, he had that look in his eyes where you can tell that he's telling the truth. My heart sank. How is Carlos involved in this?

"What do you mean?..." I asked baffled.

*Start of flashback, 7 months ago....*

Anthony P.O.V

"Any news?" My right hand man walked into my room and I held an ice pack to my head. That girl is lethal!

"Sir, we have traced your stolen car all the way to Verona. The trace stopped there. A call was also made to this number..." He pointed out the number and I clenched my jaw. It was definitely an international number, possibly her boyfriend's.

"Find out who's number this is. I want all the CCTV Surveillance footage you can find of her! She will not get away with this!" I hissed. I need to find her before she leaves the country. I'm glad that all my cars and and phones have a tracking device in them. It makes my life so much more easier for me.

"Yes, sir." He bowed his head and then walked out the room.

2 hours later...

"Sir!" One of my men rushed into my office, panicked.

"What?" I sipped some coffee.

"She's already left the country." He bowed his head submissively.

"What?!" I threw my mug at him, however he dodged it. "You let her fucking escape??!! If you don't want me to shoot you, you better tell me where she has flown to!" I combed my hands through my hair.

"England." He mumbled. That's it! I lost it.

"England? You let her escape to England?!" I grabbed him by his collar. Anger boiled within me.

"S-sir, by the time you became conscious, she had already left the country." He stuttered. Well that does make sense, I was knocked out for almost 24 hours. That was enough time for her to flee the country. I released him.

"I think it's time to pay my little brother a visit." I smirked.

2 weeks later...

We're in England now. I have kidnapped Gregory and now I am impersonating him. Everything from speaking in his accent to learning his signature, I've prepared myself well. Now all I have to do is get Samantha back. I can gain her trust again by pretending to be Gregory. This is a solid plan and it will work.

Intently, I watch a brunette haired man walk out of an apartment. I have been keeping tabs on him for days since I found out he lives with Samantha. It makes me so angry that he dares to live in the same block as her, let alone actually live with her.

"I want him in my office! Keep an eye on him!" I spat out with venom.

When I was in my office, Carlos was sent up to me. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said sternly.

He stepped in and two of my men followed him. "Sir, did I do something wro-?" He fiddled with his thumbs.

"Silence!" I cut him off. He jumped. "I want you to do me a favour. You live with a woman called Samantha Gale, yes? I need you to help me get to her."

"Why?" He simply asked.

"You dare to question me?! Just do as I say! If you decide to betray me, I will kill you and your precious wife. I know where you live." I slammed the desk.

"Who the hell are you? You've got no right to blackmail me like this!" He hissed as he struggled when my men held him back.

"Oh, I'll show you what right i've got." I grinned devilishly. I punched his stomach and he heaved. "My men have surrounded your apartment. I am a call away from instructing them to kill your wife. She will die a slow and painful death..." I made sure I glared directly into his eyes.

"You're merciless." He spat out. I gave him one last blow to his stomach.

"That I am." I chuckled.

*End of flashback*

Samantha P.O.V

"Carlos, should've told me..."I sobbed. Carlos told me everything. I felt betrayed and heart broken.

"I'm sorry, Samantha." He avoided my gaze and looked at the floor.

"You're no use to me now!" Anthony towered over Carlos' limp body. "Take him away and throw him the lake!" Anthony grabbed Carlos by his hair and threw him to his men. How brutal can he be?

"NO! WAIT! I'll do anything you want, Anthony. Please don't kill him. I'll do anything. Please." I pleaded.

"Anything?" He paused and eyed me suspiciously. "What worth has this 'filth' got?!" He looked down at Carlos. "Do you love him?!" He roared.

"Please don't hurt him! I'm willing to give myself up to you. You can treat me however you like..." I attempted to persuade Anthony.

"Very well." Lust clouded his eyes. I gulped.

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