Chapter 22

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Samantha P.O.V

"Would you stop doing that?..." Gregory side glanced at me as he continued to drive.

"No, I'm bored and there's no decent radio channel to listen to." I spat back as I irritatingly flicked through all the radio channels repeatedly.

"Why do you have to act so immature. I wonder how I tolerate you sometimes." He sighed.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me! You're the one who wants to be around me all the time - you took me on a shitty date, hired me and now you're dropping me home?....UGH!" I yelled from the top of my lungs but I furiously jolted when he braked.

"Get out!" He unlocked the doors and reached over me to open the door.

"Fine." I looked at the road ahead of me, which the darkness had claimed. There were only a few specs of light that shone onto the road. In the distance I could see overgrown trees on each side of the road that lazily stretched over each other. I pushed the door so that I could step out. Me and Gregory both exchanged glances before he sped off. Watching the red eyes on the back of his vehicle become smaller, I stuck my hands in pocket and kicked a small pebble on the side. Suddenly, a chill crawled down my back. I noticed a white snow flake descending from the night sky. Many more followed in its path and it began snowing. So that son of a bitch is gonna leave me here to freeze to death??....Just as I was about to get my phone out to call someone for help, I heard a loud honk behind me which made me jump a mile.

"Get back into the car! We need to hurry." He seemed pretty agitated.

"You think I'm gonna get into that car after you kicked me out. Just piss off..." I scoffed. This guy's mind changes like the weather.

"You wanna fucking get swept away in a snow storm?!"

"What? Snow storm? Shit." My eyes widened in horror. I looked up at the sky, the once clear sky was now engulfed with heavy dark clouds which were ready to unleash the monstrous blizzard. I hurried into the car and Gregory accelerated.

"How do you know there's gonna be a snow storm?" I questioned.

"While you were flicking through the radio, there was a weather warning. I guess I was the only one awake to pay attention to it." He emphasized the last part.

I rolled my eyes. "Am I gonna get home on time?" I began to grow restless as the car began to slam into the blizzard which came in from the opposite direction.

"I'm afraid not. It's gonna snow heavy and the roads are gonna get blocked soon."

"Seriously?...So where are we going? We won't reach my house on time..."

"I've got a place just a couple of minutes from here. We can stay there for the night and hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to take you home." He sounded slightly concerned as if he thought I wasn't going to approve of him and me sleeping under the same roof for the night. But I guess it can't be that bad, right?

"We're here." We both got out of the car and ran towards the entrance of the house where a short man, maybe in his late 50's patiently waited for us. The grey silk on his head was slicked back. He had soft brown eyes and every time he smiled, his wrinkles became more prominent. He was wearing a white tailored shirt and a black waistcoat with matching trousers.

"Good evening sir, madam. Your coat sir?" He politely greeted. He helped Gregory take his coat off.

"Good evening, Martin. I'll hang my coat up myself. But could you please park all the cars into the garage. Make sure Reggie or Andrew assists you. I don't want my cars getting ruined in the storm. Thank you." He tossed the keys him at and hung his coat up on the hanger. Martin and another young man rushed outside to park the cars. I watched as both hurriedly parked the cars. Each car was skillfully maneuvered into the garage where loads more vehicles peacefully slept. Gregory gently placed a hand on my shoulder and I turned around. The house was beautiful: the golden hallway wad lit up by the swinging chandeliers above me, there were two stair cases which spiraled down from two sides, and every direction had a hallway which led to another and so on. This place was enormous.

"Are you okay?" I looked up at him as he stared right at me.

"Yeah...urgh now what?" I shivered as the door was still open. Both the butlers ran in and locked the door.

Gregory chuckled. "It's up to you? Do want to eat something or settle down first?" He proceeded towards the living room. It was much bigger than my whole apartment put together.

"Is it okay if I get settled in first?"

"Sure. I'll show you to your room."

"Room? Oh I thought I was gonna sleep here. It looks comfortable enough."

"No, no. I can't let you sleep here. It would make me an ill-mannered git if I did. Now come on..." He was waiting for me to follow him.

"But I'm just an employee. That would be weird."

"You're a guest too and I make sure every guest feels welcomed. I can't be asked to argue about this right now, just follow me upstairs." I gulped when I heard the phrase 'upstairs'. His bedroom must obviously be upstairs too. The thought of sleeping on the same floor as him, maybe in the bedroom next to him made me cringe. Oh shit.

I followed him like a lost puppy. This place was huge. "Um how many bedrooms did you say you have?" I must of sounded like an air head, but I lost count of the amount of rooms I saw as we were walking through the hallway.

"Only 10." He said with ease.

"Only?" Dude, I'm happy with a 2 bedroom flat.

"You sound so shocked?" Is he kidding me?

"It's just coz it usually takes me a whole years' worth of wages to manage my rent!"

"Well I'm sure you'll be much more content with the salary you'll be getting now, I presume?" I nodded as he unlocked the door to one of the bedrooms. "You'll be sleeping here. Martin will bring you your tooth brush and towels and anything else require. If you need anything, just give me a shout. My room's just down the hallway." Before I could thank him, he was already gone. Okay then...

Martin brought up everything I needed.  Unfortunately, there wasn't any knickers  or bras to wear. I was compelled to wear a pair boxers, presumably Gregory's. There was a hoodie and some joggers, presumably Gregory's. After a warm shower and slipped them on.

As I descended down the stairs the smell of freshly baked bread and soup wafted in the air. Licking my lips, I followed the scent like a dog sniffing for its bone. It led me to the kitchen where Gregory sat on a stool with his laptop and typed away. He noticed my presence and looked up from the screen.

" Hey..." His eyes scanned me up and down. My stomach rumbled and hugged it tightly. "You hungry there?" My cheeks reddened.

"Is it that obvious?" He passed me a bowl full of soup. I grabbed a spoon and allowed the soothing luscious liquid to run down my throat. "Mmm...It's delicious." Gregory chuckled and watched me intently as I devoured it.

"I've got some bad news. We won't be able to go to work tomorrow or I won't be able to take you home. The storm has taken over the whole city and the roads a blocked. There is a severe weather warning."

"Oh. So how do I do my work? All the files are in the office."

"Don't worry. I have a study where we will work in tomorrow. I have a copy of every single file just incase of emergencies, for instance just like this one."

"Wow you're very organised."

"I know I am." Cocky much... "Hey listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about know...when I kisses you. I didn't know what came over me..."

I froze and I looked at him. "It's fine. Just don't do it again, please."

"I'm sorry. I won't." He lowered his head in shame and glared at the laptop screen.

I quickly gulped down the soup and excused myself and went to my room. When my phone was charged I called up Liz and let her know where I was. After that I played a bit of Candy Crush till my eyes began to droop and I fell asleep.

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