Chapter 17

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Samantha POV

When we got home Liz ordered takeout and we had dinner. We didn't really talk about the hospital and the baby. It just wasn't something I felt like discussing about. Carlos is pretty upset. When he heard about the baby he was so shattered...

"Should I call him, should I not?....Should I? Should I not? Oh god what should I do??" I twiddled with the wrinkled paper in my hand. The paper had so many creases that I barley make out the lettering on the paper.

"Ah fuck it. I'm calling him up..." I dialed the number...Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!...The phone dialed for about 10 seconds....then...

"Hello." His voice was so husky and silky. It was ghostly yet sexy at the same time. It send a shiver down me.

"U...Uh...h-hello..." My voice cracked. Why was I so nervous around him?

"Samantha, is that you?" He asked.

"Um...Yeah, hey." I uttered.

"Hey. You left today. I didn't get a chance to say bye."

"I know. I called you up to say tha-" Bang! An ear shattering scream came from outside my bedroom door. Suddenly, the cell in my hand fell to the floor causing it to smash. I didn't care about the phone. I dashed out my room and into the kitchen where the squall came from. To my surprise, there stood Liz and Carlos making out. Carlos had a Gorilla suit on and the mask was in his hand. Liz was bound in between his arms, his hands circling her waist. After each small peck a squelchy sound was given off. It made me gag.

"Ugh! Would someone call the PDA Police! You two go get a room. I don't wanna be cleaning up puke on the floor." I gagged, rolling my eyes. The pair broke their bond and Liz guiltily turned to face me. Carlos just smirked, a toothy grin on his face.

"Hi..." She put a strand of hair behind one ear and looked at the floor to avoid my gaze.

"Hi? Hi? I'll give you 'hi'! Liz, I thought something happened to you. But here you two are smooching away like happily ever after!" I moaned. I glared at Carlos, who was happily eating a bowl of cereal. "Carlos, you better stop your pranks. Scaring people like that will really give somebody a heart attack. You almost gave me one. I don't wanna go back to the hospital after I've just been recently discharged..."

"Scaring is caring. It's good for the heart. It kinda speeds up the pace of it, y'know?" He shrugged and his chuckle rumbled in his chest.

I rolled my eyes and poked my finger into his arm. I doubt he felt it with the amount of layers of fur that was insulating him. I walked back into my bedroom and searched for my phone. When I saw the disintegrated cell, I cursed under my breath.

"Fuck." How was I suppose to contact Gregory now? "Liz! Liz! Come here for a sec!" I yelled.

"Yeah, what's up?" She stepped into my room.

"Can I borrow your cell?" I asked.

"Oh um, my cells with my cousin. Her's broke so I gave it to her to borrow. Why? Where's yours?" Her eyebrows knotted. I pointed my finger towards the floor. Liz followed and her mouth gaped open in an 'O' shape.

"Oooooooh. How'd you do that?"

"For real, Liz? You really want me to answer that." I scoffed. My arms crossed over my chest as I kneeled on the wall.

"Oooooooh. I'll get you a new one. I'm sorry. Anyways, who do ya need to call, eh? Don't tell me. It's the dude from the hospital, isn't it?" Her grin was from ear to ear.

"Yes, it's him and no, I'm not calling him up for those reasons. I just wanted to thank him but now I got no cell." I frowned at the last part.

"You said something about him being a big businessman, right? Why don't you look him up on the internet and find the address to his work place. You can meet him personally." Brilliant idea!

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