Chapter 24

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Samantha P.O.V


"Hey, honey. How are you doing? When are you coming home?" Liz asked anxiously.

"Hi. I'm in the car right now. We're on our way." I replied while I typed away on the laptop Gregory gave me to check his emails. "Could you do me a favour, Liz? Could you start grabbing all my toiletries and dump them into my suitcase?"

"Wait, what do you mean? Are you going away somewhere?" She questioned.

"Yeah. I'm going to Milan in an hour so I need you to start packing my things, right now."

"Holy shit! Okay, see ya soon. Bye." She practically screamed into the phone making me wince slightly. Gregory exchanged a glance with me because he probably heard her too.

"Bye." I said before I cut the phone.

The snowing eventually stopped yesterday evening. Gregory decided we should fly today instead of tomorrow, just in case it began to snow again. Therefore we left about 6 in the morning, and now we're sitting here on our way to Liz's apartment. 

10 mins later...

"Samantha, this road is blocked." He stated.

"Thanks for telling me, Captain obvious. Now what?" I rolled my eyes and searched for sign with the road name on it..."Perfect!" I mumbled to myself.

"Huh?" Gregory looked at me.

"The apartment is a two minute walk from here. I'll just walk it. You stay here and i'll grab my stuff." I got prepared to jump out of the car but Gregory grabbed my hand.

"No, it's really slippery...I'll try and unblock the road. I have a shovel in my boot." I looked at him speechlessly. Was he serious? We've got no time to unblock shit! Then it dawned on me...

"Why don't you unblock the road while I grab my stuff. Then drive to my place so I don't have to carry my suitcase with me...Simple!...." I pursed my lips and grinned.

"Fine." We both got out of the car and he grabbed the shovel from his boot and started to scoop up snow. I walked on the fluffy snow so I didn't slip on the ice.

When I got to the apartment, I found Liz packing for me. She knew exactly what I needed and she even packed me some food for the journey. This is why I love her! I put on a fresh pair of clothes. It felt so good to be in my own clothes.

"Bye, Liz. I'll be back soon." I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Bye, call me when you get there!" She screamed down the corridor.

"Kayy!" My voice echoed until I was outside and I couldn't hear it anymore. I searched for Gregory but I couldn't see him or his car. Suddenly, there was a startling honk behind me. It made me jump.

"Get in! C'mon!" He got out of the car and helped me put my bag at the back. I sat in the car and shivered. He turned the heating on.

We arrived at the airport and we did our checks and everything. Then we were led to his jet. We entered the white, glossy jet. I began shaking because I have a fear of heights. I stopped in my tracks when the jet door closed. Gregory bumped into me.

"What's wrong?" He asked while rubbing his shoulder.

"Ugh, nothing..." I don't wanna look like a sissy in front of my boss!

"Then you know you can sit down now...." He trailed off as he sat down. His eyes narrowed as he watched me take my seat. I sunk into the cushioned chair. A couple of minutes later the jet took off...

"No, no....please no..." I mumbled and dug my nails into the chair..."I wanna go home!" I whined like a baby.

"Samantha, are you okay?" I tried to turn my head and reply but I squinted my eyes and kept my mouth shut, wanting this to end.

"Do you have a fear of planes or something?" H scrunched his face.

"Uh huh..." I started whining again until the jet was horizontal. I opened my eyes, relieved that it was now flying smoothly.

"Are you comfortable, now?" He sipped some coffee.

"Uh, well no...but it's fine. I'll try and sleep throughout the whole thing. That usually works." I smiled at him.

"Well I have a bedroom at the back. You can sleep in there if you want. I'll be getting calls and I don't want to disturb you if you're going to sleep here..."He waited for my reply. 

"...I don't wanna ruin the bed...this flight is only a couple of hours anyways." 

"No, it's fine...I hardly use it anyways so you might as well put it to good use." He insisted.

"Uh if that's not a problem. Thanks." He nodded.

I got up from the bed and went into the back and found the bedroom. There was a king sized bed covered in golden bed sheets with floral patterned cushions on it. I jumped onto the bed and my body began to sink into it as if the bed was quicksand. Just before I could get comfortable, my phone rang. Great! I left that near Gregory. I groaned and pushed myself up and got off the bed. When I pivoted, Gregory bumped into me. We both fell onto the bed; his hand circled my waist. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He pulled me closer until our lips locked. At first, I froze but then I just let it happen. My heart raced rapidly and as he nibbled on my lower lip, my stomach began to flutter. 

"I'm sorry." He looked away and began to pull away. I felt slightly upset that he stopped, I wanted more...

"No, don't be sorry." I placed my hands on both sides of his face and pulled him closer. Shocked by my reaction he paused for a moment. I just smiled. He then placed his lips on mine once again. He sucked on my lower lip causing me to moan. I shivered when the once warm, soft kisses on my jawline came into contact with the air and it became cold. He placed his hand on my shirt and began to unbutton it. Memories of that dreadful night when Anthony forced himself on me rushed into my mind. I froze and began to push Gregory away. 

"Did I do something wrong?" He stopped and I could see the pain in his eyes.

I shook my head. "I just don't think we're ready to you know..." My cheeks reddened. I think Gregory got the idea and chuckled. " have sex." I finished off.

"Don't worry. I respect that. I'm willing to wait for you, no matter how long it takes." He stroked my cheek.

"Thank you." I pushed my cheek harder against his hand, not wanting him to let go. 

He pulled me up into his embrace. His hands tightly wrapped around my back and I placed my arms around his neck. He nuzzled into the crook of my neck. 

Immediately, my phone rang once again. Gregory's head popped up.

"Oh, I forgot about that. I came in here to give you your phone but then we..." He grinned. 

I blushed even more and turned towards my phone to avoid his gaze.

"I'll let you take that call." He smiled and then shut the door.

Grinning widely, I looked at the screen. The number was unknown but before I could answer it, the ringing stopped. I brushed it off and settled down onto the bed, closing my eyes.

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