Chapter 1

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Leila: 14
Damian: 10

"Leila Al-Ghoul Wayne"

3rd person Pov
"Naeva cover me while I escape with your brother" "Yes Mother" Naeva replied. The compound was being attacked, She had been instructed to help her Grandfather protect their home while her Mother got here brother out of it. Naeva saw Slade shove her Grandfather off a balcony while he was on fire. Damian ran to attack Slade but Naeva got in the way and started fighting Slade herself not knowing this would be the last time she would see my brother for two years.

She slashed his eye he in return got her shoulder but she did not care and stabbed his leg before he retreated with "Ubu" Naeva spat looking at the traitor. Naeva found her Mother and Brother gone and knew her Grandfathers body was far beyond what even the pit could do. The only thing that she could now do was rebuild the league until my mother returned.

Talia returned a week later and with my help she rebuilt the league that was until 2 years later Slade attacked again. Yet again we won but at a price... Taila Al-Ghoul was dead.

Leila 16
Damian 12
Tim 15
Jason 16
Dick 17
Bruce 32
Alfred 51

'Dear Wayne Family
It is with our deepest regrets that we inform you of the passing of Taila Al-Ghoul. The league of assassins invites all of you to attend the funeral in Gotham on Saturday the 7th at 5:30pm.
The League of Assassins'

Naeva wrote out the letter before sealing and sending it hoping her  brother would attend with his family. The family that did not know of her own existence.

It was the day of the funeral Naeva was in a black dress (pictured below she's wearing a mask on her lower face as well)

It was the day of the funeral Naeva was in a black dress (pictured below she's wearing a mask on her lower face as well)

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Naeva awaited her brother's arrival. "Ahh the Waynes if Damian would follow me, John over there can show the rest of you to your seats" I heard the doorman say "He stays with us" Bruce said as Naeva watched him place a hand on his shoulder. "He is required to sit with the high circle for the ceremony" "We're not letting you take him that easily" A boy with tuft of white hair said and Naeva smirked

"I can assure you that he will not be harmed during the ceremony" Naeva said interjecting in the conversation. Damian looked at me shocked (Arabic will be in bold as I don't want to butcher someone's language)

"Sister I thought you were dead?" Damian said in a shocked but otherwise neutral tone. "I am very much alive brother" Naeva replied. He simply walked away from his family and grabbed her hand as they walked towards their seats in the front. Naeva looked over my shoulder and saw the other Wayne's looking shocked but they chose to head to their seats.

3rd Person Pov

"Why are we just letting that masked woman take him?" Dick quietly whispered to the family "He seems to trust her plus it's a funeral we can't cause a huge ruckus" Bruce said.

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