Chapter 10

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As Leila prowled the halls she ran into her father.

"Why aren't you getting ready for the gala?" He asked looking at his sword wielding daughter. "Your friends from the meeting are here, Damian and I are simply hunting them down" "We don't have time for this, the gala tonight is a big deal Leila" he said

"All you guys have to do is put on a suit while I have to play the rich girl while guys hit on me. Remember my first gala? Media painted me as the villain because I stated how I wasn't a object. Besides Deathstroke will kidnap and kill Damian once he realizes I'm alive." she ranted "Why can't I just go back to the mountains?" She asked "You mean where you got all the scars that are worse then Dicks? The one shows the time where you were almost paralyzed?" "You realize how long it takes to cover them all up right? We're lucky most of the crazy ones are on my back and stomach. I can pass off the one on my arm as a childhood injury but the others I can't"

The 5 heroes overheard this and wondered 'what had happened to this girl'  "How are you covering your scar from Joker?" Bruce questioned "prosthetics" she replied "speaking of which I gotta go start applying them it takes a few hours to cover the noticeable scars" she said before sprinting to her room

"If you think she didn't notice you, your wrong. She gave you guys a hint on purpose. Either stay out of site or attend the gala. Also avoid Damian until you see Leila talking with him, he's going to want to kill all of you for trying to find information about her." Bruce said before going to check on Cass.

He found her in Leila's room like normal. When they were growing up Leila always tried to give Cass missions that would keep her away from her mother. Cass rarely talked because her mother had caused severe damage to her vocal cords and it hurt when she did.

Leila was helping Cassandra cover one scar on her arm that couldn't be easily passed off. She finished and then got to work on her own scars. It saddened Bruce every time he saw her back, stomach or even arms. Almost every inch of them had a scar of some sort.

The worst scar was one that ran from her elbow to the opposite sides hip. Apparently Deathstroke gave Leila that when he attacked the first time, her grandfather had gotten her to the Lazarus pit before he died. After she healed she went and kicked Deathstroke out of the league.

She now had a circular scar on her forehead from her death but luckily that one was coverable with makeup. She was dressed in a long off the shoulder black dress with a slit that to anyone else would just seem like a normal teenage girl thing but was really a way for her to have easy access to her dagger holster. She luckily had managed to cover enough scars to wear the dress.

As she stood waiting she flashed a smile to Cass before telling her that "You'll be fine it's just a charity gala and I'll be with you the whole time" then they heard the chatter increase until they knew it was time to enter. They both walked in with grace and stood by the front signing back and forth deep in conversation. Every so often they would be approached by someone most of them were polite although some would insult Cass for being mute. After that they were escorted out and given a warning from Leila not to come back.

The night was going relatively well that is until someone decided to rob it. As Leila tried to sneak guests out along with herself so Shadow could show up a gunman placed his gun against the back of her head. "Trying to run away little Wayne? I'm sure that necklace around your necks worth a lot. Hand it over" the gunman said. No chance was Leila handing it over it was an heirloom.

She ducked and twisted around grabbing the gun and pointing it at the ceiling before kneeing the gunman in the stomach and placing her arm against his throat slowly cutting off circulation. During her scene Dick, Damian and Cass had managed to sneak off and get changed.

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