Chapter 11

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"We can't let her stay on the team she's a threat" Oliver said "Your just saying that because she kicked your butt" Barry said only he, Clark and Oliver still being there. "No this is about having a assassin on the team" Oliver said in defence "I can hear you y'know. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, just so you know I don't kill in front of the team but I do kill in Gotham" she spoke up

"Bruce your okay with this?" Clark voiced "He's allies with Red Hood, who kills with guns. Trust me he's fine with me killing" "Really Bruce" Barry said "My city my rules. Unless you want to be kicked out stay in line" he said "Sister, Gordon's awake!" Damian called out and Leila made her way over.

"Babs, Babs it's okay I covered for you, your at the Batcave. I got Dick and Tim out in time" she said calmingly. "JJJ-o-oker" she stuttered out "he got away again. Try walking around for me" she said hauling Barbara up. When Barbara went to walk she fell to the ground instantly and looked at Leila panicked "Leila why can't I move my legs?" she asked shakily

"ALFRED!" Leila screamed out panic now filling her own voice "DAMIAN GET BRUCE!" She yelled at her brother who ran off snapping out of his shock. "What's happening?!" Bruce asked worriedly  as he and Alfred entered the room "She can't move her legs." Leila said while holding Barbara close. Alfred looked worried which is never a good sign. "All of you out now" he said ushering them out.

"Leila what's wrong" Dick asked having heard her scream out for Alfred. "Dick she appears to be paralyzed" Leila said calmly "See Clark she doesn't even care her friend is hurt" Oliver said trying to prove his point that Leila shouldn't be allowed on the team.

"I do care it's just that this is far from the worst thing that could've happened. Now I'm going to find what hit would've caused paralysis if you'll excuse me" Leila said pushing past the three men towards the Batcomputer. 

Leila skipped through the fight until she found the moment when Barbara was knocked out. "I've found it" Leila said. "Look Harley hits her back right here" she said as they zoomed in on Harley taking multiple hits onto Barbara's back with her bat.

"I might have a way to fix this" Leila muttered to herself and pulled out a laptop before retreating to a secluded corner. A phone started ringing and she quickly answered "hey Mr Gordon Barbara left her phone with me while she ran to grab us some snacks, we're just watching a movie right now. Okay I'll make sure Barbara calls you after" she said smoothly into the phone.

"When did you learn to lie so smoothly?" Tim questioned "I was taught how, also you know how many times Damian would sneak out because he had a pet in the forest? I got in so much trouble for 'sending him to scout for paractice'" she said the ending with quotation marks

"Oh you might want to talk to him about the dog he's hiding in his room as well, same with the cat" Leila added still typing on her laptop"Really Sister! Snitch" Damian replied "they'll let you keep a dog and cat Dami" Leila replied "Damian go get the cat and dog" Bruce said while rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Oh also I might have a way to help Barbara" Leila voiced up

"Leila it's too dangerous! We both know the side effects you were lucky you weren't affected much since you've had to use it so many times" Jason yelled at her "It's the only way Jay. She doesn't need a dip anyways she just needs to be close to it" Leila said "No sister I agree with Todd for once, it's too dangerous" Damian said firmly "Technically none of you get to decide, I'm in charge of the league and them by connection. If I have to lose all of you so Barbara can have a normal life I will do it" Leila said before heading towards Barbara.

"Leila it's too risky" Jason said grabbing her arm. "Would you prefer I had left you dead Jason? Oh that's right you didn't know, my Mother might've revived you but it was because I convinced her that Damian would need you in his life. She knew there would come a day when he would have to come here so she agreed" Leila said and Jason wavered for a moment and that's all she needed to drop kick him across the room.

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