Chapter 2

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"No one expects you to pull a knife on your teammate"

3rd Person Pov
"Damian go train I doubt you've done enough lately" Leila said to her brother handing him his katana. Once Damian left she turned to the others "Do me a favour don't let Damian follow me back, don't let him return to the league, don't-don't let him contact me" she said quietly slightly stumbling over the last one.

"Why I thought you loved him?" Dick asked "That's exactly the problem. I now hold the title of the most dangerous woman in the world but I'm also one of the most hated of the world. Someone will come after him to get to me and I can't have that happen. I had to leave to protect him" she said looking at Damian.

"Stay then, help protect him" Bruce said noticing the way his daughter looked longingly at her brother. "I can't do that to you guys" "Sure you can I did, besides you seem to keep the Demon inline" Jason said "I guess I can run the league from here" Leila said caving in.

"I'll get Alfie to prepare a room" Jason said running off to talk to Alfred aka his favourite person. "Damian nice try, get back here and with the katana" she yelled out as Damian stepped out from behind the Bat-computer. "Give it here" she said as she stuck out her hand. Damian sighed and handed it over.

"You know what it means if Leila stays with us?" Bruce said with a smirk. "NO!!" All the boys yelled. "We have to have a gala. I hate them just as much as you boys do" Bruce added the last parted hearing the protests

"Sister your staying?" Damian asked hopefully she nodded and ruffled his hair as he hugged her.

2 Days later

Leila was dressed in a green floor length dress and all the boys had matching ties.

Leila was dressed in a green floor length dress and all the boys had matching ties

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"Ughhh." Leila exclaimed as her hair was changed by the team Bruce has hired to help get her ready changed her hair for the thousandth time... they left her natural wavy hair alone in the end after 2 HOURS!.

"Now the reason for tonight's gala is my daughter Leila Wayne" Bruce said to an uproar from the crowd filled with questions. Leila took her cue and stepped out causing an even greater uproar of questions.

Bruce and Leila posed for a few photos before the press was removed from the gala. Soon the party was underway and Leila was mingling with old ladies.

"Dance with me" a boy around her age said "No thank you" Leila replied beginning to walk away. "That wasn't a question" the boy said grabbing her wrist "Yes it was" she said yanking her hand away. "You will dance with and date me" He said trying to corner and intimidate her. She simply walked away into the crowd of people not before adding a "No I won't"

She was standing with Bruce when a voice spoke up.

"Ah hello Mr Wayne and must I say Leila you look beautiful tonight. This is my son Sebastian" the man said motioning to his son who held a smirk. Leila immediately recognized him as the boy from earlier "Hello Mr Derry" Bruce said "Imagine how powerful we could be if we combined companies in the future" Mr Derry said with a smirk "No." Leila said butting into the conversation "Excuse me young lady" he said

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