Chapter 12

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Tw: there will be flashbacks and references to panic attacks in this chapter. Please take care of yourself and skip the parts that include these triggers if it may trigger you. The sections with these triggers will be marked

"Hello Artemis" Cheshire said her Vietnamese accent flowing through. "Now play nice, Red Hood and I have things to attend to" Naeva said before jumping off the building onto her motorcycle Red Hood not far behind.

Once they were far enough away Naeva pulled over and pulled out her Shadow outfit from a compartment in her motorcycle before climbing into one of her safe apartments and changing. "Okay let's get to patrol" Shadow said as she stepped out and tied her katana back onto her hip before swinging onto her motorcycle and heading up and down the streets of Gotham.

Shadow was patrolling separate from Red Hood when she found some boys she recognized from school beating up a girl on the ground who seemed to almost be unconscious. "Slut!" "Street Rat!" "Worthless!" They yelled despite the girl being on the verge of unconsciousness

"Leave her alone" Shadow growled lowly. The boys looked ready to retort when they noticed the Bat symbol adorning her chest and paled. She watched them scrambled away as she approached the girl who was whimpering on the ground in a dress that looked like it used to reach her mid thigh but had been torn up by the road. Shadow quickly unclipped the partial skirt that went around her waist and draped it over the girl.

"You'll be okay" Shadow reassured softly, the girl looked no older then 13. "Can you walk?" she asked quietly and the girl nodded and slowly stood up gripping Shadows skirt. Once they got back to the motorcycle Shadow pulled a blanket out of a compartment and handed it to the girl. "Do you live nearby?" Shadow questioned again the girl shook her head in response.

"I'm going to take you to the police station okay, then we'll find your family, get you a change of clothes and cleaned up" The girl nodded again seemingly still in shock and a bit scared of Shadow although who wouldn't be scared of an ominous sword wielding bat.

As they were riding through the street at a slower pace then normal so Shadow could make sure the girl didn't fall off Shadow looked and saw a vine rushing at her, she quickly stuck her sword out to block it.

"Okay hide behind the motorcycle" Shadow whispered to the girl who quickly did as told "Nightwing, Ivy's attacking two streets south of town square, I have a civilian with me requesting backup" Shadow said into her com as she flipped over a vine that was headed her way.

"Shadow where's the civilian!" Nightwing yelled as Shadow shot at Ivy. "Behind my motorcycle, get her to the police station, I'll cover you!" She replied while reloading her gun. As Shadow ran at Ivy she saw a black figure behind her and kicked Ivy into a nearby wall. Jumping at Ivy Shadow brought out her sword and faked a fatal swing making Ivy block it before hitting her head against the butt her sword knocking her out.

Shadow ran to her motorcycle and hopped on heading for the police station with Ivy tied up on the back. "Commissioner Gordon. Here is Ivy and is it okay if I check on the girl I sent ahead with Nightwing?" Shadow asked and the commissioner looked confused "Nightwing was never here" he said "Nightwing come in" Shadow said urgently into her com link when there was no reply she simply handed over Ivy before speeding off.

"Batman come in" Shadow said urgently into the com "Yes Shadow" "I sent Nightwing ahead with a civilian to the police station over 30 minutes ago he never showed up and now he isn't answering his com. I'm returning to the Batcave now" She said and could hear shuffling "Nightwing's tracker is scrambled as well" Batman said and that just made Shadow speed up. "Hood Nightwing's been kidnapped" She said and heard some muttered curses and gunshots from the other end.

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