Chapter 4

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3rd Person Pov

Damian watched as Leila collapsed on the ground. "ALFRED! FATHER!" He yelled as he started trying to stop the bleeding. When Bruce and Alfred heard Damian yell with desperation they knew something was wrong.

When they turned the corner they found a pale Leila laying with blood pouring out of a shirt tied around her shoulder and a pool of blood forming. "What happened?" Bruce asked as he took over for Damian as Alfred ran to get the medical supplies. "Deathstroke. She fought him off until Grayson and I got there, she refused to leave Grayson until Todd and Drake arrived. After that she grabbed me and we got to a Zeta tube"

Alfred arrived and began cauterizing the veins and stitching Leila up. Dick, Jason and Tim all came through a few minutes later all relatively unharmed other then Dicks shoulder which he just slammed into the wall to get it back in place.

None of the boys knew how bad it was for Leila until they saw her laying on a stretcher getting transfused blood. "Is she going to be okay?" Tim asked looking at the still girl. "She should recover" Alfred said "But it'll never stop. She'll always be fighting him, he has one goal kill all the Al-Ghouls and take over the League" Damian said

"He won't stop till he kills both of you" Dick said aloud looking at the siblings "He won't be lucky next time, she'll kill him. She just wasn't expecting it today" Damian said "What about all the other times she's lost?" Tim said "Who do you think drove Deathstroke out of the league after he attacked?" Damian asked. All of their eyes looked towards Leila.

"After the initial hit even while trying to fight unconsciousness and only having one arm Deathstroke didn't manage to do any damage" Nightwing said watching Leila take shallow breaths.

1 Day later

Leila was awake now and insisted on joining Dick  at the cave. She currently sat in her civi's eating some lunch when her phone went off. "Deathstrokes here we need you! He's trying to kill us please hur..." And the line went dead

"Wing I gotta go!!" She yelled as she ran to change into her league of assassins uniform. "Move!" She yelled as she tied her katana to hip and started typing in the closest zeta tube. "Naeva where are you going?" Nightwing asked "He's back I have to go deal with it" She said quickly

"You we're just shot!" He argued standing in front of the zetas "I will lose everything and everyone now move" She demanded when he didn't she sighed before flipping over him and kicking him into the wall. "Sorry Wing" she said as the zeta beam engulfed her.

"Ughhh. I'll call the others especially you know who, you need to try and track her" Nightwing said to Red Robin as he stood up. Red Robin nodded and got to work.

"Hey so we have a problem.... He attacked where he did 2 years ago and she's headed there now. But we don't know where it's located" you could hear muttering on the other side "No I haven't asked him yet but he'll definitely know" "Okay I'm calling him now" He then hung up and called someone else

"He's attacked the same place where you know who was killed and Naeva went after him, do you know where it is?" "OF COURSE I TRIED TO STOP HER. Just tell me where it is?" "No you are not going don't you dare...." 

He looked at his phone angrily and called one more person "Naeva's gone after him again, he just attacked her people and now little Demons going after her."  "I know we're all gonna go, you really thought we would leave her to do it herself?"

The team was confused, from what they had put together Naeva was going after someone who attacked her 2 years ago and killed someone in the process and only one of the three knows where it is.

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