Chapter 6

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Cassandra Age 14

"Leila" Dick said as he saw said girl knock a punching bag off of its chain. "Not now Dick!" She yelled as she rehung the bag. "You can't just punch it out" Dick said calmly "I can and will now let me deal with this." She spat back

"Leila you can't ignore the way this has affected you!" "Can and will!" "I know how your feeling!" "What Dick have you had over a hundred children die under your watch? All because you won't die! No you haven't so leave me alone!!" She yelled

"Where are you going?" He yelled as she changed "To patrol" she replied simply as she slipped into the night little did Nightwing know not stopping her would be a huge mistake.

"Tell me who they are!?" The crazed man yelled at Naeva "Never" she spat spitting out blood at the same time. She was quickly hit by a crowbar but this didn't faze her she had dealt with much worse in her life.  The one decision she made turned out to be a huge success, she had made her mask impossible for anyone else to take off with multiple different detection systems on whether or not it was her.

"We have to find her!!!" Jason yelled. They had received a video from Joker showing Leila unconscious and tied to a chair which she had no doubt broke by now.

  "Calm down she can handle it. Damian you handle the League with Cassandra. Jason you go get some information from some of Jokers un loyal lackeys. Dick look for clues around Gotham. Tim try and figure out where the video came from. I'll search for Joker" Bruce said trying to calm his kids down while internally freaking out himself. It comforted him a tiny bit knowing that Leila knows how to handle herself in these situations and has probably dealt with worse people.

"Harley dear why don't you come see our guest?" The crazed lunatic yelled out and soon Harley came in with a baseball bat. "Now your gonna answer our questions or else..." Harley said and Naeva laughed "Good luck I've dealt with a lot worse people then you" Naeva said "oh we'll see girly" Harley replied

Harley stepped a bit closer which was a big mistake, Naeva who had secretly freed her legs kicked Harley into the wall knocking the wind out of her. "Harley dear we have some pleasant company" Joker called out and walked into the room with Vandal Savage.

"Wow Joker thought you were good enough to be a solo gig obviously I was wrong" Naeva sassed with a smirk "Harley we've been paid quite a lot for Mr Savage here to talk with our guest" Joker said before leaving, Harley glared at Naeva but left the room none the less.

"I know everyone who's anyone so why haven't I heard of you before?" Savage asked Naeva "It'd be a bigger problem if you had" She replied glad that she had a built in voice modifier. "I will figure out who you are" he said "good luck" she replied and leaned back in the chair.

"Joker I'd like to negotiate a price for her" Savage said with a smirk, he planned to break her and use her skills against the Bats. Savage walked out of the room and Naeva waited for them to return...

The Bats all arrived back at the cave after Alfred called them all back and they found a recorded video.

"Hello Batsy and Family as you can see I'm here with my little buddy Vandal Savage. I thought I'd just say hello again with my new friend" Joker said and turned the camera showing Naeva who despite being bloodied and bruised seemed to be holding up well.

Naeva was tapping her finger bored while looking at the camera and Joker and Savage walked into frame and waved goodbye. "Savage has her now" Damian said "how do you know?" Jason asked "She tapped out 'Joker sold me to Savage'. Savage also just called a meeting with the Light, I've sent a representative with a hidden camera since Leila cannot attend" Damian replied

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