Chapter 7

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A few weeks later

"You must be the new leader of the league of assassins" Lex Luthor said as Naeva entered the meeting point. "I am" she said coldly. "We are among friends no need for masks" Black Manta who had recently joined said before Savage could demand she took it off.

"Apologies but not even my closest advisors know my identity as was Ra's Al-Ghouls request" Naeva said "How do we even confirm you are who you say you are?" Queen Bee asked suspiciously "Even if I was not the proper heir the entire League of Assassins follows me which only happens in the case of a proper leader which would've meant that I had killed all the heirs making me the leader by conquest. I am Ra's Al Ghoul's proper heir after one person who came before me but either way I would be the leader" She spat back fiercely

"I'd watch your tongue girl" Savage said aggressively "Do not refer to me as 'Girl' I am the demons head, leader of the league of assassins and most dangerous woman in the world" she said "I will be taking my leave now, send me any further information" She said walking out into a waiting helicopter

"Fly" she said and the pilot took off as Naeva put up a soundproof divider and called Cheshire.

"Cheshire I have a mission for you, go and find your sister, it's your choice if you betray her but either way rekindle it a bit and see where it goes from there. You report back to me and only me" she said the last part extremely sternly

"And why am I going on this mission?" "See what the team is like and if you want you may stay with them. I will not bind you to the shadows, you didn't have the choice your father did, it's unfair to keep you here against your will when you never decided to join" She said calmly before ending the call leaving a dumbstruck Cheshire on the other end.

As she pulled down the divider she said "Drop me here" and the pilot obliged dropping her in one of the valleys. She headed into a cave and spoke out "Shadow B-24" and felt the warm beam encase her as she arrived at the Batcave.

"Did you find anything out?" Bruce asked "Black Manta joined they tried to question me but I shut them down, they'll send me information about anything they need me to do" "good job" "I'm gonna get changed and head to the cave" she said as she hopped over to her suit cases, yes cases because unlike the others she had 2 secret identities.

"Hold on I have a mission for the team so wait for me" Bruce said and Leila nodded

At the cave

"Team you have a mission, you need to protect the Wayne children from an unknown group of assassins" all of the Bat-kids were luckily at the back of the group so no one saw their shocked expressions.

"Bruce Wayne is a huge financial and public supporter of the league. He and his butler have to leave the country for 3 days  and have reached out for help. Richard 'Dick' Grayson is 17 and the oldest, Leila Wayne is 16 she has proven that she can cause trouble and fight, Tim Drake 15, Cassandra Cain the newest member of the family is 14 and Damian Wayne 12. Nightwing, Red Robin and Shadow will not be joining you as they have a mission with me. You leave in 2 hours pack your bags. The original members of the team will be the only ones going on this mission as it must be a stealth one" Batman said and luckily no one noticed Shadow glaring a bit when Batman said she can cause trouble

"Do not fail this mission and do not be discovered" Batman said as he left and his kids followed.

"We don't need protection!" Leila exclaimed as they arrived back at the batcave "You can't take on an army Leila" Bruce replied "I literally have" "I'm not your mother I will not leave you to face an entire army" Bruce said ending it

"What if they figure out who we are?" Dick asked "They won't" Bruce said firmly "I'm hiding my Naeva suit and any information on her anyway" Leila said as she grabbed the suit and put it in a box before hiding it under the Bat-plane.

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