Chapter 9

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2nd do you guys have any suggestions for what should happen next?? Leave it in the comments

The team watched Batman and his kids leave most of their eyes focused on Shadow. When they were about to start a conversation the lights cut out and when they turned back on they were surrounded.

The people surrounding them? Assassins and not just that but they all had League of Assassins uniforms. "Traitor" Artemis mumbled as Wondergirl flew into the air only to fall as a collar clicked around her neck along with an assassin.

Artemis who had been in a similar situation a few years ago was the first to act (hmmm I wonder what this situation was???🤔). "Split up and try and get out!!" She yelled pulling out her bow and shooting an explosive arrow into the centre of a group of assassins clearing a path before she and Wally ran off.

As they checked all the exits they found them to all be sealed. With that they returned to the main room to relay the information and found Wonder girl laying unconscious and Miss Martian with a collar around her neck. "They went for the two most dangerous super powered first" Artemis whispered.

It was true. Superboy was strong but not much else and had a temper, same with L'gann, Wally could be captured by tripping him or containing him in anyway, that only left Cassie who could fly, had super strength and was trained on how to fight with her powers and M'gann a powerful Martian who could shut them all down mentally if she tried hard enough.

Artemis knew for sure these were some of the smarter assassins, they targeted the biggest threats first instead of taking the easy route of the weakest first. As she shot arrow after arrow at the assassins surrounding her she failed to notice the one behind her until it was too late and she felt a needle prick her neck.

M'gann and Conner were in the centre of the room after dragging Artemis and Cassie into the centre. Currently they were trying to stop anyone from getting to the bodies. The next to fall was Bumble Bee and they quickly added her to the pile of bodies.

Wally ran to help just as M'gann was poked with a needle, soon L'gann, Wally and Conner were in the middle trying to defend their teammates. It all stopped though when they each had two assassins drop onto them from the roof before it all went black.

When they awoke Shadow was near them with two others dressed in bat style suits. "Robin untie them Orphan check the cave" Shadow said as she looked down at the team. "Also get taken down that easily again and even if I'm dead I will rise from my grave just to drag you to hell with me. Trust me you don't want to be in hell and especially with me" She threatened the team

"NO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE THOSE JOKES TOO!!!" Nightwing who had been watching from the security cameras yelled through the intercom. "Suck it Wing! I died and now I get to make those jokes too! I can't believe you guys didn't give me a coffin! He got one before being revived!" She ranted when she got a ping on her phone "YES! He's buying me a coffin!" She screamed "STOP HACKING THE SECURITY SYSTEM and also NO" Nightwing then yelled at the he.

"Red he did it again, come kick him out!" Nightwing yelled the team was dumbstruck the Batfamily the protégés of the most serious and scary superhero were currently arguing about getting Naeva a coffin. "Batman tell Shadow no getting a coffin from the zombie!" Nightwing whined into his com at Batman "Shadow why do you want a coffin?" He asked with a sigh "because he got when one he died and then I can sleep in it and creep people out" she said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Can all of you shut up Jokers attacking again" A female voice chimed in "I gotta stop by the Batcave and change same with Robin, we don't have our proper suits but Orphan is on route Batgirl" Naeva said now full of seriousness. Naeva ran to the zeta tubes.

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