Chapter 5

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1st HOLY SHIT THANK YOU FOR 100 READS!! This story got reads a lot faster then my other stories and that is because of all of you, Thank you for reading my book.

3rd Person Pov

At the cave

Wonder Woman had told the team to keep the kids safe and out of harms eye until Naeva got back but other then that she had no more advice. When Naeva got back the team knew that it wasn't a good ending she looked broken but she took a deep breath and called the kids over sadly.

"Listen you are all that's left and a lot of good people died today but you need to stay strong for them okay? Cass I need to talk to you alone the rest of you prepare to leave we'll be getting back soon." Naeva said and all the kids nodded solemnly.

After taking her to a separate room Naeva talked to Cassandra honestly "I'm not gonna lie to you Cassandra you've been orphaned. I am so so sorry" she said as the girl stayed stoic. "You have a few options. Come live with me and my family, go to an orphanage or live at the compound and you would be kept under my eye" '1' she signed and Naeva nodded

"Okay well I'll get the others back to the compound and then I'll introduce you okay" Cassandra nodded as they then walked out. Naeva turned to Batman and stuck up 1 finger telling him which one Cassandra chose. He nodded and started heading back to the Bat-Jet.

"Okay guys Nightwing's gonna take you back" she said to the group "make sure they know your not a threat, declare your presence on the radio and ask permission to land. If you have any trouble tell them N72yb. Got it?" She told Nightwing quietly who nodded.

"Let's go we still have to drop the scum off" Naeva said also knowing that Jason and Dami were probably getting bored and possibly have killed each other. When they got back on the Bat-Jet Deathstroke was starting to stir and Cass looked at Naeva with pleading eyes and she nodded "go ahead" and with that Cassandra punched Deathstroke hard in the face knocking him out again.

"Let's get him to Commissioner Gordon" Naeva said as she sat in the back of the Jet, Cassandra on one side and Damian on the other.

At the Gotham police station.

"Another one?" Gordon asked Batman who nodded "give him the worst cell possible" she spat as she handed Deathstroke over. "What'd he do this time?" He asked Batman "killed around 120 children" he said and for once you could hear emotion in Batman's voice... disgust. Even the commissioner seemed horrified and made sure to roughly handle the man as he dragged the unconscious assassin inside.

As the Bats left they all knew it was a hard day especially for the three in the backseat. All of them were so young yet had experienced so much pain. As they all took off their masks/hoods/helmets/cowls Leila told Cassandra who everyone was "That's Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and then there's Damian Al-Ghoul-Wayne and I'm Leila Al-Ghoul Wayne"

Cassandra just nodded she had already knew that Naeva was Talia's daughter but no one knew her name. Talia had decided that only Damian's name would be known so that if a spy revealed something then Leila worst case could go undetected since she was only known as Naeva and was never seen without her hood or voice changer.

The next day

Naeva sat at the cave she was still dealing with watching all the children she helped train be put in body bags. She had seen some fucked up shit but this, this was different. Naeva might be an assassin but she had standards and rules 1. No children without a reason 2. She had to believe in what she was doing, she would do it for money sometimes but not meaningless kills 3. Protect her family above all else.

"You have some explaining to do?" Conner said standing over her "Go away Conner I'm not in the mood" She said with a glare "Then explain why 50 children in all black with swords attached to them being lead by a 15 year old girl driving a helicopter showed up here yesterday!" He yelled "She was 14 and you have no clue about any of this Conner so stay out of it" she said trying to maintain her cool.

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