Chapter 13

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"We finally have our chance to bring down the Light and Reach in one swoop. This weekend they are holding a meeting all in person, Robin and Orphan will be accompanying me undercover into the meeting, both of them have established relations in the league so it would make sense for me to have them with me" Shadow said "What relations?" L'gann questioned suspiciously "Classified" all the bats minus Orphan said in unison

"Listen we are entering their territory, it's important that we take advantage of this" Nightwing said

Soon they had the plan all laid out and now they just had to wait.

"The reach requests that all masks be removed for security reasons" Black Beetle said Naeva removed her hood but that was all, she had put in black contacts for today just to keep her eyes less noticeable. "That is the most you will get out of me" Naeva said there was some verbal fighting but she ended up winning.

Nightwing attacked with Red Robin by his side, they first went after Naeva who quickly countered their attacks. Tigress blocked a Batarang from Red Robin from hitting Lex Luthor but he unfortunately noticed the necklace she had on and yanked it off. Artemis was quickly revealed and jumped back.

"Tigress is Artemis, which means that Kaldur'ahm never killed her" Savage drawled Black Beetle went to shoot them but Naeva drew a gun before shooting them saying "The Light takes care of its own" at this point she had Nightwing pinned with a gun against his head when a video played from Kaldur's corpse.

Time skip to after the video cuz I'm lazy

"No one is leaving" Naeva said firmly as the exits blocked off "You continually underestimate us" Nightwing said as Naeva got off of him. "As you say with The Light comes Shadows, well let's just say the Shadows have changed" Naeva said as she helped Artemis up. "5 of you can't take us all" Savage said "Still you underestimate us" Kaldur said

Robin and Orphan were revealed to be Naeva's associates as multiple young heroes emerged from the room. "You will fall, with this movement I remove the League of Assassins from the organization known as the Light" Naeva said as assassins dropped from the ceiling.

The battle commenced and Naeva proved to be a big help along with the assassins that accompanied her.

In the end the Light escaped, Batman was sent to court in space and Naeva was free of her villain life. 

That brings us to where we are now, the Arctic  circle. Naeva jumped onto Wally's shoulders gritting her teeth as the energy slowly started killing her instead of Wally. "Leila I can't let you" Wally said to her "You can, make sure Damian has help with the league, marry Artemis and don't let Bruce lose himself. Take care of my family and have one of your own. Tell Bruce I'm sorry for everything" she said as she faded away.

Everyone and everything stopped, the world was saved but was it worth it. Robin looked broken, Nightwing was crying, Red Robin was choking on the phone "Hood.... you need to get here" he said heartbroken. "No..." Artemis said looking at where Naeva once was

"Hang on. Stop... STOP! Where's Naeva?!" A voice screamed as the infamous Red Hood approached Red Robin. "I'm sorry Hood, there's no body left to resurrect" Nightwing said to his heartbroken brother. Robin picked up Naeva's sword which she must've discarded before sacrificing herself.

Tucked into the sheath was a note, 'Honour our family, stand tall and keep going. You'll find a final note in my room' "No sister please don't be gone" Robin choked out after reading it.

"O God, forgive our living and our dead, those who are present among us and those who are absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O God, whoever You keep alive, keep him alive in Islam, and whoever You cause to die, cause him to die with faith." Robin spoke out quietly

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