Chapter 8

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Neava walked into the funeral home and saw Deathstroke.

"Drop your weapons Naeva"he said aiming a gun at her while an assassin aimed one at Damian. "You kill me and Damian goes free" she said with a fire in her voice "Deal now drop your weapons" Deathstroke replied.

It took a solid 5 minutes for Naeva to disarm herself and it took 3 assassins to hold it all. She get handcuff click around her wrists and she walked forward to Deathstroke and watched as he pointed the gun at her face and Damian was about to be freed when she felt the gun ring out and it all went black.  The last thing she heard? Dick screaming "NOO"

They all arrived just in time to see Naeva be shot through the brain and Damian be freed before all the assassins and Deathstroke left. Hood ran to grab the body "The Lazarus pit can only revive her so long after death let's go!" He yelled at the others as he took off on his motorcycle balancing her body. As he raced towards the Batcave he had one thought on his mind. 'Would she come out of the pit like he did?' For her sake he hoped not, it would devastate her to know that she hurt any of them.

While he rushed away the League arrived "where is she?" Superman asked looking around before noticing the somber expressions and the blood on the floor. "Rh is on his way to the pits with her, now we have to hope he gets there in time" Dick said to Superman who knew Shadow's background.

"Deathstroke got away, can you let Bats know once he gets back immediately?" Tim asked and Superman nodded "Just go make sure she's alright" He said as the league looked into the scene more Superman made sure no one took Naeva's blood and tested it.


Once Red Hood got to a zeta tube he used a name he never wanted to again. "Override B-13 Robin" he said and the computer buzzed to life and he was transported to the mountains. He sprinted towards a cave he knew led to the compound. "Who are you!" A guard yelled "Naeva needs the Lazarus pit are you going to let me through or will you be responsible for your leaders death?" He questioned motioning to the dead girl in his arms.

The guard stepped out of the way looking at his dead leader. As Red Hood ran he tried to remember what Damian had told them about the attack and how he found his grandfather he couldn't figure it out though. Luckily the others showed up right them. "Damian where is it?!" He yelled and Damian ran to the wall behind him and kicked it in.

He sprinted in and waded into the glowing green pit before he dropped her in the centre of the pit and everyone sat around waiting. The team was confused on why the bats all had weapons trained on her body. "If you shoot her" Artemis warned Red Hood "They're rubber it's just a precaution"

"Damian are you sure we're doing this right?" Dick asked "Yes it takes a little bit let's just hope she doesn't come out like hood" he said "What do you mean 'Come out like hood?'" Superboy asked suspiciously "I wasn't always this murder happy y'know? I died got put in the Lazuras pit lost my memory for 2 years during which I trained here and went on murder sprees" "Don't forget you tried to kill all of us" Dick added and Hood nodded.

The team was about to ask more questions when the pit started bubbling and all of the bats stood up and prepared. "Batgirl she doesn't know your fighting style yet use that if she's hostile" Dick urged as the girl started moving and more bubbles floated up.

It was seconds later when she burst of out the water now with a more obvious white streak adorning her hair. "Get them out of here" She said to Dick and he got the hint and made the team leave. "Why would you bring them here!! They're at risk, I'm at risk, Damian's at risk!" She was glad they at least had the sense to wear masks. "If it gets out that I was seen with any of you my reputation will be ruined, all my intel will be gone" she said angrily.

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