Sequel is out!

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The sequel to this book is out and called 'Far Gone'


'He was my lifeline and I was his'

Sequel to The Wayne You Never Knew.

They've found Leila but something's not right, she's changed over the two years she's spent in captivity and no one knows if it's for the better or worse. Haunted by the ghosts of her past no one knows if it's changed the direction of her future leaving the rest of her family to wonder if the girl they knew and loved is gone forever. The Unseen Assassin shows everyone just how much power she holds in this new book following her life.

Thank you for 500 reads May 6th 2022

1,000 reads here we are! October 3rd 2022

2,000 reads March 18th 2023

The Wayne You Never KnewWhere stories live. Discover now