Chapter 3

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"Can't a Wayne join once without a fight?"

3rd Person Pov

It was the next day and Leila had been enrolled at Gotham academy much to her displeasure. Tim had offered to tour the school with Leila to help her get situated but she rejected his offer.

"For the thousandth time Tim I'll be fine. I don't need anyone thinking they can push me around when my brothers aren't there" She answered when Tim tried again to let him walk her to class.

"Just don't pull a knife on anyone okay?" Bruce said thinking about Damian first day of school. A girl named Rachel Roth who later went on to be Damian's team mate, was cornered by bullies and Damian ended up fighting all of them. Everyone at the school no longer messed with Damian.

"Also give me all but 1 of your knives" Bruce said holding out his hand as his daughter frowned but emptied her thigh holsters, pockets and various other places of knives. "I'm keeping this one in my thigh holster" she said taking the most practical knife but also her favourite one and putting it in the holster.

Unknown to the the others she had cut a hole in her skirts pocket so she could easily draw her knife from the holster

Her knife:

Her holster:

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Her holster:

At the school

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At the school

"And here is your schedule Miss Wayne" The secretary said handing Leila her schedule. "Thank you Ma'm" she said waving as she left the office.

Leila managed to get to her homeroom just in time. What was her homeroom? The math classroom it was convenient considering the locker she was assigned was right by it as well unlike Dick who's locker was on the complete opposite end of the school from his homeroom. "Ah Miss Wayne welcome, please take a seat" the teacher said motioning to a seat in the back that was open. Leila walked to the seat feeling all the eyes on her, when she sat down she glared at them making them all turn around.

The class was relatively easy considering Leila had already graduated from high school and was now back at a Grade 10 level.

After math Leila had P.E. which meant skimpy shorts and girls complaining about running. Luckily for Leila most of her scars were on her torso and the ones on her legs were coverable with makeup which she had done earlier that morning.

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