Ch 7

705 18 5

Thursday night



The night has finally come. They night both teenagers waited for. Adrenaline running through their whole body just by thinking about the things they are going to do tonight. Hana looked at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a dark white crop top with black rip jeans and black jacket. After completing the makeup she went out to be greeted by doyoung.

"Are you ready?" He asked taking out a pocket knife and handing it to her. She nodded her hand and took the knife and hided it between the belt and belt loop. She turned around to walk away only to be stopped by doyoung. "Take this also" he said handing her a black mask. "Is it really necessary?" She asked. He hissed "Ofcourse what if someone recognized you?" He asked.She took it. They both walked out. "Let's do it" doyoung said and smirked. Hana shook her head at how excited he was.


Cartel club


I'm sitting inside the club. I watch people dance,drug even more people fuck. I just sit there observing the familiar things happening. The deals going on. This club is specifically known for illegal business. All the mafias can do a save deal here.

No one knows about the owner of the club. There is a process to make deals here. First you have to speak to the manager of the club about the deal your having and with whom you are going to have. On the deal day you have to show the deal goods to the manager. They have a security team to check the goods. After that they will allow the person whom you have deal with inside. Only after checking on the goods.

I heared that they have got some connections in high class that helps them to do these illegal deals without getting caught. From outside it's just a normal club for people but inside it's a illegal gambling place. There is also a casino in the 1st floor. One of the main reason why club is found clouded all the time is that.

The more people are there the more you become invisible so it's safe to make deals. Ofcourse there used to be fights during deals but never once the news has spread out. People have died here but no one from outside knows about it. The club covers it so well.

And that's exactly what i want today. I walked to the bartender "one tequila" i ordered. "Don't you dare get drunk" i heared the most familiar voice in my ear. I just ignored it and scanned the area. I saw two men shake hands and walk away i guess their deal went well. My drink arrived and i drank it. "One more" i said.

"I'm not carrying you" the same voice said. I ignored it again. "I guess there is a signal signal problem. I should ring up yeji noona and ask for help" he said. I saw my side if anyone was watching me "the fuck?" I murdered.

"Oh guess the signal is back" he said and scoffed. I rolled my eyes "stop being sarcastic doyoung" i said. "You're the one who didn't listen to me also this will be the last glass for tonight" he said. "Okay i will stop what's the status?" I asked now observing my surrounding.

"Not yet arrived" he said. I didn't reply instead i saw people wearing staffs uniform going around and checking things. There was a bunch of people sitting at the table to the left of the bar but they are all gone but the thing is they left on their own. The table is being cleaned and neatly arranged. I smirked knowingly.

"I know something was missing" i said. "What do you mean by that?" He asked. "Don't you feel strange yeonwoo comes here every thurday?" I asked. "No i didn't. Isn't he here to party?" Doyoung asked. I smiled slightly "why would he come all the way to party here when he has a huge ass mansion and bags of money." I pointed out.

"You are right though so do you know why?" He asked. I clicked my tongue "come on doyoung it's time to use your Consigliere brain" i said. I can totally imagine his reaction now. "Shut the fuck up and say" he said. I laughed at him. "Okay sorry you are watching through the camera right?" I asked. He hummed. "So what do you see at the left table of the bar?" I asked.

"Hmm nothing" he said. I nodded my head "yup and why do you think it's neatly arranged?" I asked. "Hmm maybe some important meeting or a deal?" He said. "Bingo. The people who sat their were not asked to leave they left in their own. What do you think about that" i asked.

"It has become regular?" He asked. "Yes someone is having a deal or metting at this time regularly. And that someone is yeonwoo." I said. "How are you sure it's him?" He asked. "Ofcourse I'm not sure it's just my guess also why is he fully armed when he is just here to party. let's wait and see" i said turning to my drink.

I kept my eye on the now fully cleaned and arranged table. "He is here" doyoung said. I turned to the enterance. I saw yeonwoo enter surrounded by his mens. They walked staright tk the left table. He sat down and lifted his hands as a signal to the staffs. They bought him the drinks.

He took his drink in the hand and watched the dance floor. Later he whispered something to his men. That men walked away from the place to the manager room? I saw the manager come out of his room. He walked to yeonwoo and bowed at him. Later he sat opposite of him. They were talking about something. Then yeonwoo men handed a bag to the manager.

The manager called to someone. After few minutes his men whispered something again to him. Yeonwoo nodded his head. The manager shook his hands and walked back to his room. I got up from my place and walked to the front of manager door. I waited outside. The manager left his room and walked out of the club.

I eyed my surrounding when i was sure no one was watching i entered the manager room. I saw the bag in his table. How much of fool was he to leave it just like this. I opened the zip of the bag. I found drugs in the bag. All illegal drugs which cannot be available in other places. I smirked to myself.

"Doyoung-ah" i called and started laughing. "Did you go mad?" He asked. I just laughed. "Do you know why this place is always crowded?" I asked. "How would i know it's not like I'm the boss even though i would love to i mean just think how much you could earn" he said i rolled my eyes. "Because they sell all types of illegal drugs you can't find in other places" i said scanning the packs."so what? What does it have to do with anything we came to do?" He asked. "Yeonwoo is the supplier for cartel club" i said.

"Oh it's okay as long as yeonwoo is dead everything will come to a end" he said. I was still scanning the bag when something caught my eyes. My eyes widened at what i saw. Tears started forming in my eyes. It's the symbol in the packs. Wolf symbol. No way it's real.

"It will not" i said. "What will not?" Doyoung asked. "Things will not come to end" i said. "What does that mean?" He asked as to why will it not end even after yeonwoo is killed. I started laughing like a maniac. "Cuz he is from alpha" i siad clenching my fist.

I took out my knife and walked towards the door of the room. I was about to open the door when i heared gunshots and screaming sound. "What is this sound doyoung are they fighting as soon as the deal ended?" I asked. "Shit" i heared him curse. "You have to get out of there right now" he said. I can clearly see how much he is panicking from his voice. "Why though i will kill-" "cuz treasure is here" he said. I freezed in my place.


Heloo all so shits are going to go down

Alsooooo alpha entry

YOU'RE THE ONE-Choi HyunsukWhere stories live. Discover now