ch 34

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"are you like sure?" doyoung asked. the sun setting can be seen from outside.

Hana exhaled. "more than anything. So shut up and get ready" she said taking the gun in her hand and placing It in belt.

Doyoung did the same and took the box which had a sniper rifle in it.

They both walked out and got on the bike. Hana looked back to see yanan following them. "is he armed?" doyoung asked.

"ofcourse he is." She said waving at him. He simply shook his head.

They reached the area. Doyoung hide his bike. Yanan parked beside him. "be careful" she said to doyoung. He nodded his head and climed the building with the box.

"here" she said placing the ear piece in yanan hand. He took it. "let's go" she said walking into the place.


The place looked from outside was abandoned but inside it was well maintened. There were a table in the middle which had 8 chairs 4 on both sides.

I went to the window and opened it a little then went outside. "let's hide outside the window" I said walking out.

Yanan followe behind me. I squatted outside the window and pressed by ear piece. "we are set" I said. "me too" doyoung said.

"I have both the labs in view just in case" he said. "nice" I said.

He went silent for some time. "what did you do hana?" he asked.

"I have not yet done anything" I said.

"damn how did get to place tracker in hyunjin I have his coordinates. It just activated 5 min ago" he said.

I smirked. "talent bro talent" I said.

"they are on the way will be here by 10" doyoung said.

"roger that" I said.

"just so you know we are not getting involved in any of the fights they are going to put" I said to yanan.

"after they get caught. We are going to help them out and ask them to cooperate with us. That's all. Before they are getting caught we are going no where near them" I said.

Yanan nodded his head.

"they are here. Minhyuk people" doyoung said. I peeped at the window to see minhyuk with three of his men.

He examined the place and took seat on one side of the table.

Soon after we heared another car sound. Four men walked out of the car and entered the building. "felix, changbin, han and hyunjin are here other four should be at lab" I said in my ear piece.

"I don't see them yet" doyoung said.

I hummed at him.i saw them four walk and take the seat opposite of minhyuk.

Minhyuk looked around. "where is chris I wanted to see him" he said smiling. Changbin mirrored the smile. "he has got some stuffs." He said.

Minhyuk frowned. " just so you know I don't do deal if the leader is not present" he said.

"we know he will come to end the deal. It will take sometime" hyunjin said.

Minhyuk nodded his head.

He signalled beside him and a man placed the suitcase on the table.

Felix pulled the suitcase towards him and opened it. He took out the chemical tube which contained the chemical in it.

He examined the blue chemical in it.

YOU'RE THE ONE-Choi HyunsukWhere stories live. Discover now