ch 31

422 13 0

The piercing sound of the bullet hitting the figure ring through the room. The red liquid started to wooze out from where the bullet hit. The smell started to spread in the sir.

I looked at the place the bullet pierced. The heart.

I turned to the person who was having the gun in hois hand with a wicked smile.

He started to twist the gun in his hand and walked to me. I took two steps back.

"don't come near" I said raising the blade I have in my hand. I tightened the grip on it. He did not stop.

Even through the darkness surrounding the place. I can see him clearly. As he took steps towards me I can feel my heartrate increase.

He walked slowly he was about to reach me when suddenly a large source of light surrounded the place.

He turned around to see how the light entered suddenly. I sighed a relief and make a run for the person who just came to save me.

"what the fuck is this smell?" ryujin asked.

Doyoung smiled at her. "the rotten egg" he said.

"what?" she screamed.

She turned to me.

She then saw the manniquien which was shot in the heart and the red paint coming out from where it was hit.

"why is rotten egg here?" she asked.

"blood should give rotten smell. So why not." H said.

I scrunched my nose at him. "don't you dare come near me with that smell" I said walking out.

"he has been watching serial killer movies the whole night" I explained to her. She shook her head. "yeji called you guys but you better wash up" she said pointing at doyoung.

"I'll wait for you" I said walking to my room.


We were in a table waiting for doyoung to join. As soon as doyoung walked in. yeji gave us all a file with papers.

"this is the infor on straykids mission" she said.

Charyoung unnie stood up to explain it.

"so they are having a chemical exchange. It's called ufyehf it is used in bombs. As we all know skz are best known for bombs. It is transported from la." She said.

Yuna looked at the papers and voiced out. "it's strange though" she said.

"what is?" caeryoung unnie asked.

"the venue" she said.

"normally dealings happen in ports. But why is this happening in an abandoned place?" she asked.

"I heared skz was the one who suggested it" chaeryoung said.

Ofcourse she knows everything happening in the field.

"why would they get in field when it's disadvantage for them?" doyoung asked..

A warehouse..



I understood.

"check if there is any chemical lab near the warehouse" I said.

Lia unnie opened her laptop and started to type.

"there are 3 labs near the warehouse. Among them 2 are registered in false name" she said.

"they are going to steal" I said.

"Unnie put the map on the screen" I said.

I walked to front and pointed it out.

"they are somehow going to steal all the chemicals. And set bomb in the lab so that it looks like the chemical all destroyed but they are going to take it." I pointed out.

"seems like something skz can do" yeji unnie pointed it out.

"do you think they will get away with it?" doyoung asked.

"that's something we have to see. But probably not. Minhyuk know about them. He should've plotted it out when they changed their venue" I said.

"don't you dare get in their fight. Do your business and get out" she said.

"and that business is?" yuna asked.

"ofcourse it is to warn minhyuk" I said. Yuna looked at me teasingly.

I wiggled my eyebrows at her and walked out. Soon doyoung catched up with me.

"are we really just going to warn minhyuk?" he asked standing in front of me.

"ofcurse not we want skz help to take him down." I said.

"do you think they would not expect he will pull something" he asked.

"that's for them to solve and for us to learn." I said. "let's go we have plan a stratergy. Time to get you brain to work Consiglire" I said.


"so what is your plan?"I asked him.

He clasped his hands together. "if just like you said they are going to steal the chemical then it means they will be divided into two groups. We don't know how they are going to be divided.

And they are going to buy time by doing something for team 2 to steal and set bombs.. let's say team 1 be going to deal and team 2 to steal." He said writing in the white board.

"first the leader where do you think he will go?" he asked.

"ofcourse with team 1" I said.

"wrong" he said.

I looked at him confused. "he will be with team 2 " he said.

"won't they be sus if he is not there for the deal" I asked.

"I did not say he will not be there." Doyoung said.

I looked at him annoyed.

"they will buy time until their leader joins them. bang chan is not someone to let his kids to the hard job and watch" doyoung said.

"I'm sure about 3 people/ and where they will be" doyoung said writing their name.

"first chan in team 2. Next seungmin in team 2. He is a weapon specialist. He may have knowledge on the chemicals." He said.

"and the last is?" I asked.

He smirked, "can't you even guess it?" he asked at him.

"I accept you have knowledge and I'm dumb " I said.

"it's hyunjin. The great conman. He is a perfect man to distract them." he said.

"okay I will follow him. You follow seungmin" I said standing up.

"dude are you serious. Do you think you can follow him?" he asked.

"did you really forget who I'm. for you kind information. I'm the ace of kard" I said walking out.

"but you have been not practicing for 1 year. I don't think you are match for this young blood" he said.

I stumnled on my way. "yah I'm the young blood here. I'm 3 tears younger than him" i said.

"whatever you want to believe" doyoung said going to the room.

Aish this kid. I turned to hyunjin picture stuck in the board. "the great conman ? I see" I mumbled walking out the the hideout.

Yanan was standing there. "let's go somewhere" I said.

"where?" he asked.

"to the circus." I said getting on his bike.

"for what?" he asked.

"to ask if they can accept a conman . Someone is going to lose their job as conman soon" I said smirking.


skz in the building

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