ch 42

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Jisung placed hana in the bed. Jihoon followed them. He checked her pulse and turned to yeji. "she is just stressed and fainted. Let her rest" he told. Yeji nodded her head and came down after closing the door. Treasure, straykids and suho were present there.

"what exactly happened?" suho asked angrily. Everyone turned at him. "1 year back" he said. Yeji signed. "why did she say minhyuk was the one who killed hyunsu? Wasn't it kard?" jihoon asked. Yeji turned to doyoung. "will you explain that part?" she asked. Doyoung nodded his head.

He turned to his members. "kard was not the one who killed noona. It was alpha" he said. "and who is that?" mashiho asked. "it was a group from the western part. They are kard rival. They wanted to destroy kard so they started to copy kard style. And put the blame on kard" he explained.

"from when?" jihoon asked now getting ahold of what was happening. "from the start" yeji answered to him. "do you now understand?" yeji told. "then what about the time we found kard in hyunsu house?" hyunsuk talked for the first time after all the incidents.

"jihoon hyung got hurt due to minhyuk people and kard came to help jihoon and saw him being taken into a house injured. They wanted to check him but before that you arrived hyung. You did't even listen to what they wanted to say" doyoung pointed it out.

"what about the time they attacked the café?" asahi asked. This time yuna spoke. "it was also alpha. Kard came to fight against them in café but you guys saw kard and thought it was them who attacked there" she explained.

"and how do we believe it?" jaehyuk asked. Yeji was furious now. She took the hands of hyunsuk and dragged him to their computer room. she motioned for lia

lia pulled out a laptop and started to type into it. she turned the laptop. The video started to play.

In the video. Hyunsu was in the chair tied. The camera was shaking a lot. The kard members went to hyunsu who was in the chair unconscious. They checked her pulse. Jiwoo pressed her ear piece. "hana get the ambulance she in not breathing. I can't feel her pulse" she said. "on process" hana voice can be heared in the video.

Suddenly the lights in the room started to flickler. "oh look who we have here" minhyuk came out. "where is the other one?" he asked. "it's none of your business" BM said. Minhyuk nodded his head. "it will be fun to see her suffer after killing you. After making her suffer I will get to her. Just like that girl who is dead without anyone knowledge." Minhyuk said pointing at hyunsu.

"She will also be die without anyone to save her" minhyuk said laughing. BM walked to him to punch but a bullet was shot on him in his head. The minute he has fallen every member was shot. Minhyuk walked to them. "don't worry we will take good care of her. Atleast we will not burn her" he said walking out. The place started to burn. The video stopped there.

"this was recorded by hana. Kard got information that alpha took hostage of someone and went there. But they did not take hana with them. They told her to be in van and direct them. Hana attached a cam in somin body without her knowledge to know what is happening inside more like she wanted it to prove that kard was not behind this. The other members weren't aware of her plan" yeji explained.

"atleast she never thought this would be her last video of them" yeji told. "what happened after that?" suho asked. "you told she was outside" he said. "ofcourse she tried to head inside. But the building got blown and a glass struck in her wrist. That idiot was too blinded and ran away. We came to know about the incident the next day. We thought everyone died but we didn't find her body instead found hyunsu body that was when we were sure she is alive" ryujin said.

She then continued "we searched for her everywhere for the two days but we didn't find. Suddenly we got her location in the warehouse and went there. The she was sitting at the burned place where BM was once lying dead but there was only dust there. She did not even get her wrist treated. The glass piece was in her wrist for two fucking day" by now yuna was crying.

"we took her to our place she was totally dead inside she did not show any emotion. We patched her up and made her stay here. But after two days of her locking herself in the room. We broke the door and went inside to find her lying in the floor with her injured wrist cut by the knife. We called the doctor and got her diagnosed. They doctored told that she is in 4th stage of depression and that she became suicidal." Ryujin explained wiping her tears.

Yeji motioned them to follow her. She lead them to the basement. In the southern part of the base ment she opened a room which had no windows only one hole in the wall from which a small amount of light peeped in. and struglgle of human can be found. Like the drawings in the wall and scratches in the ground.

"what is this place?" suho asked. "the place where I locked her up" yeji said. "you locked her up in this palce? When she was diagnosed with depresiion" hyunsuk screamed at her.

"what do you want me to do? I wanted her alive at first I was also not going to but.." she had tears falling down her eyes. 

"but when I found her in the bath tub with blood woozing out her same wrist I only had this in mind. I locked her in this room for 2 weeks. I told her that only if she promises me on not to cut herself hereafter I would let her out. First she did not give in. 

she fought with me that she saw her members everytime she closes her eyes and that when she opens it they disappear. She told she wanted to close her eyes forever to see them forever. What did you wanted me to do to the kid who wanted to be free from the pain but killing herself. 

So I locked her here eventhough I know she was scared of dark. Eventhough I know she will be screaming every night. I stood here by the door everynight taking in her screams and telling myself that eventhough she is in pain now atleast she will live and find the hope to live again" yeji fell to the ground.

Charyoung wrapped her hands around yeji. And patted her back. "she finally found the hope to live. After 2 weeks she broke the door. I know she was capable of breaking the door but it was possible only when she came back to herself. She came to me saying that she will not try to kill herself and that to not lock her in the basement. 

she cried that she keeps on seeing her members in the dark and that it triggers her to kill herself. I let her free in the house but still kept my eyes on her. She got better. She started to go out with yuna. One day she came to me asking to allow her to attend university with yuna. 

It was the first things she asked me. I let her to. That was when she found doyoung. First she was scared she wanted to tell him about everything but before that he found about who she is. Hana was scared to face him. I was the one who showed him the video and explained to him about everything.

He wanted to tell everything to you but hana stopped him and said that she can't make you search for alpha. She told she will find them and put them under your feet after that she will explain everything to you. She wanted to watch you kill him with ease for what he did to your sister.

But fate had different plan and made you her soulmate. Even then she never changed her plan she was sure to take him to you. Even when she was held in the gun point by 10 people she didn't tell anything. 

At first it was out of guilty for what happened to your sister but it turned to love. She told me that she loved you and that she can't watch you go through the pain of finding the one who killed of your family. She told me she was familiar with the pain and can't let you go through the same pain." Yeji told.

By now everyone had tears in the room. They all felt pity for the young girl to go through it all alone. But they also was proud of her for how much she went through and is still strong. "the reason you asked why her wrist can't be healed. It's cause she kept on cutiing her wrist to kill herself. 

She knew that cutting there will cause her damage. She somehow wanted to die. She kept on cutting it until she was locked in the basement. yeji noona found her only 2 times. But she cut it more than 8 times. It affected the bone and that's why it hurts when she strains her hand" doyoung explained. Eunbin went to hug him. He cried in her shoulder.



i cried so much when writting this ch.

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