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The rock music blasted in my ears. I turned to my right to see all the empty shot glasses. I dighed out and sked to bartender for another shot.

I took the glass to drain the liquied it it did not touch my mouth. Instead a hand was wrapped around in my wrist.

I turned to the person who held my wrist.

"try something stronger if you really want to get drunk" he said.

I scoffed at him. "it's my first time alone. Mind to recommend mr.conman" I asked.

He scoffed at me. "my honour" he said walking to the other side the bartender was. He whispered something in the bartender ears.

The bartender nodded his head and soon came with a two glasses of drinks. He handed it to hyunjin. Hyunjin came to me and handed a glass.

I took the glass and examined it. He scoffed at my actions.

"I'm highly offended" he said.

I looked at him. "you should be" I said.

He exhaled. "let your guard down. I will not do anything" he said.

"you can't do anything" I said.

"should we check it?" he asked.

I took another sip from my glass and placed the glass on the table. I turned to him. I made a free gesture. "check. Just so you know I have a soulmate who can feel each and every single touch. Don't come complaining if later you lose your hand" I said.

"but didn't you get kicked out. I doubt he will come" he said raising his hands to my neck.

But it did not touch me. it lingered there for some time.

I smirked. "I also doubt so let's check" I said going forward to where's his hand was stretched.

He withdrew his hand fast when he saw me coming near.

I raised my eyebrows. "never start things you are not able to complete" i said.

"just for you information. I'm not scared of you. I'm just respectable to my elder's soulmate" he said.

I hissed at him. "don't pull the respect card" I said.

"so what got you drinking this much?" he asked.

"I literally survived in blink. And a poorgirl died. Met an soulmate who turned to the girl's brother. Now got kicked out by my soulmate and am probably going to die of lonliness. Do I need another reason to drink?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "that's some shit you are at" he said.

I exhaled.

"what about you?" I asked.

"it's my normal shit" he answered.

I turned to take a look around the crowd. "is that why those girls are burning holes at me?" I asked.

He looked at them and winked. I heared some squel sound.

"are in partnership with this club or what?" I asked.

"I'm almost at the position of taking over the club. I'll give you a discount" he said.

I shook my head at him.

I took a tracker out of my pocket and held my hand out.

He raised his eyebrows but eventually held his hand out also.

I place the device in his hand. "what is this?" he asked.

"a tracker" I said. "I know what it is. Why are you giving me this?" he said holding it in between his tumb and pointer finger.

YOU'RE THE ONE-Choi HyunsukWhere stories live. Discover now