Ch 25

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I was now sitting in the medical room. The others gathered around me and looking at me. I shifted in my place.


I woke at morning and walked down to the dining room. Eunbin unnie was sitting with her coffe cup. "Good morning" i said. She looked at me and gave me a big smile. Her smile always brighten up. She is like the sun. "Did you come alone? Where is hyunsuk oppa?" She asked. "He was not there when i woke up" i said walking to make my coffe.

"Oh Hana-yah good morning" mashiho oppa said walking inside. I bowed at him now mixing my coffee. "Jihoon hyung told he is going up to check on you but here you are" he said. "Tell him to come here. Hana is hurt how will she walk back again up?" She asked. I nodded my head. Suddenly i heard a cup crashing sound. I flinched and looked up. Eunbin unnie's cup was on the floor scattered.

"Unnie are you okay?" I said running to her. She suddely held both my shoulders. "Hana-yah are YOU okay?" She asked. "Oh my god doesn't it hurt how did you walk down." She screamed making other run down.


And yeah that's how now I'm in medical room with all of them looking at me. Jihoon oppa entered with hyunsuk following behind him. Jihoon oppa smiled at me. He slowly opened my leg bandage. There was not even a scar on where i got shot. I heared gasp around me. He also opened my shoulder bandage and again people was in shock.

He smiled at them. "I heared what happened yesterday night. I guess your bond got strong like really strong." Jihoon oppa whispered in my ears. "He healed her" he annouced to everyone. Suddenly they all started clapping. Okay now I'm embarrassed. "If he healed her and he is so perfectly fine then something must've happened between them" junkyu oppa pointed out. I widened my eyes.

"Guess it happened" eunbin unnie said. They all started to tease me. But all went silent when hyunsuk cleared his throat. "Now all of you out" he said and everyone obeyed him. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded at me. "I thought of healing you even if all my energy is used. But it turned out just fine" he said. "Thank god it turned out fine" i said.

"But still remember it's my energy you are having now" he said. I scoffed at him. "When it entered inside me it's mine. And also everything that's yours is anyway mine" i said. He raised his eyebrows "getting bold now are we?" He asked smirking.

"What?" I asked turning around. He was already near me leaning. Before i can process anything he pressed his lips on mine. His hand was caressing my cheek. He pulled away and smiled at me. I blinked at him. "Let's say this is your way of repaying" he said walking away. I touched my lips. I can still feel him. Aish choi hyunsuk.


Flashback last night

Hana was sleeping on me. I adjusted her on the bed and covered her. I placed my hands on her shoulder where it was bandaged. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. I felt the pain slowly fade away. When i completely felt fine i moved on to her leg and did the same thing. I looked at her peacefully sleeping state. I stood up and went outside of the room.

Jihoon was sitting alone in the balcony. I went to him. "Oh hyung" he turned to me. I smiled at him. "I healed her" i said. He looked surprise. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Not too well but okay" i said. "Then rest up hyung you gave most of your energy" he said. I nodded my head. "Before anything let's meet up with suho hyung" i said. He nodded his head. "Things happened under his control. We should take action" i said. Jihoon nodded his head. "I will make the arrangements" he said

End of flashback


I was sitting in the living room and munching on the snack. I'm just so bored. I saw eunbin unnie and jihoon oppa walking down. Guess they were going out. "Oh hana what are you doing here alone?" Jihoon oppa asked. "I'm bored" i said leaning my face on hand. "Then we are going out come with us" eunbin unnie said. I thought for sometime. "Won't it be third wheeling?" I asked unsure. "It won't" jihoon oppa said. "But i don't have any dress to wear outside" i complained.

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