sweet dreams

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Tom had been working hard lately, and even though you were incredibly proud of him, you missed him more than you could explain. He had been home for a bit during the holidays, but then he was right back to work, doing press all over the world. And you could tell that he missed you nearly as much as you missed him, so with him being in Paris around Valentine's Day, you figured it would be the perfect time to surprise him. Harry had been kind enough to work with you to get you to Paris, and manage to keep it from Tom, which you were incredibly grateful for.

You had arrived in the middle of the day, so you went to the hotel Tom was staying at, and decided to wait there for him. It was another day of press, but Harry had let you know that Tom was going to be back in time for dinner, which helped you come up with a plan. In the meantime, you decided to read while you waited for your boyfriend to arrive.

After a bit, you finally heard a few familiar voices out in the hallway, and your heart started beating faster. Slipping your bookmark in, you closed your book and set it on the nightstand, moving to get off of the bed. You knew Tom scared easily (even if he wouldn't admit it) and didn't feel like giving him a heart attack at that moment. Standing in the room, in clear sight from the doorway, you heard a few mumbled curses before the lock clicked and the door swung open.

In the hallway, Tom searched his wallet for the key card to his room as Harry did the same, speaking up, "Have a good night, mate!"

"Huh?" Tom turned in time just to see his younger brother give him a grin before slipping into his own room. Harry had been acting a bit strange all day, but Tom chalked it up to a lack of sleep, as it was starting to hit him, too.

This was evident as the small light on his locked door blinked red, instead of green, causing Tom to groan, "What the fuck?" Taking the small card out of the scanner, he mumbled a "Dammit," having realized he'd put it in the wrong way. After a few more moments of struggling, the light finally blinked green, and he pushed the heavy door open.

The first thing Tom noticed upon entering his room was that all of the lights were on. He was sure that he had turned them all off before leaving in the morning, but it had been so early that maybe he'd simply forgotten. Next, he realized there were a familiar pair of shoes sitting next to the door, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. But, when he finally looked up, he noticed you standing in the middle of the room, breath catching in his throat. It took a second before his brain finally caught up to him, a wide smile taking over his face as he rushed across the room, scooping you up into his arms.

You let out a quiet giggle as Tom's arms wove around your waist, tugging you in as close as possible and nearly pulling you off of the ground. Your arms flew around his neck in an instant, hand moving to cup the back of his head as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck, taking in a deep breath.

Gently tugging at a few of his long curls, you whispered softly, "Hey, baby."

"Hi, darling," he replied, breath soft against your neck.

The two of you stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for a few moments, just taking the other in. He pulled back after a moment, the palm of his hand moving up to cup your cheek and draw you in. His lips pressed to yours in a sweet kiss. It had been a while since you'd properly kissed, and you couldn't get enough of him; leaning back in for another peck on the lips as he finally tried to pull away, causing both of you to giggle and smile into the kiss.

Finally, though, you both drew back enough so you could have a proper conversation. His hand was still cradling your cheek gently and you leaned into his touch as you took in his appearance. He was wearing a long coat and some of his unruly curls were tucked underneath the beanie on his head; he looked cozy. Taking the fabric of his coat between your fingers, you smiled at him, "You look nice today, baby. Cozy, too."

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