like to be you

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A/N: based off of like to be you by shawn mendes!!

The two of you were sitting on the couch, but at opposite ends. Normally, you would be cuddled up against him, with your head on his chest and his arms around your waist. But now... now wasn't the time for that, even though you wished it was. The two of you were currently in the middle of an argument.

Arguments for some couples were loud and full-blown. It was different for you and Tom. There was rarely yelling, rarely a big spectacle. Oftentimes, it ended up like this; both of you upset and sitting in silence for a while before you talked it out and made up.

The current argument was about Tom's job. He was going to be leaving in a few days to start filming the new Spider-Man movie. The two of you only had a few days left together before he'd be gone for a while, and you just wanted to spend time with him. He, on the other hand, seemed to want to go out and party, rather than spend time with you. You knew you were being a little ridiculous, and that you were just acting like this because you didn't want him to leave for filming.

Tom was frustrated, but it hurt him to see you so upset about this. He knew that you knew he didn't have much of a choice when it came to his schedule. Honestly, Tom wanted to go out and party with Harrison and his friends because he didn't want to think about leaving you.

There had already been a lengthy conversation, in which the two of you argued back in forth about Tom leaving to go out for the night, completely avoiding the whole "leaving for filming" part of it. Tom felt there wasn't anything left to say, at least for the night, and lifted his head to look at you. You avoided his gaze as you pulled your legs up onto the couch, wrapping your arms around your knees.

His voice was still quiet, "I'm tired, and I know you're tired, too, love. Can we just- can we just call a truce for now, and talk about this in the morning?" When Tom was home, he made it a point to sleep next to you every night that he could, and he absolutely hated when you went to bed upset. For one, he didn't like when you were upset, it hurt his heart to see you upset. But, if you were angry with him, there was a low likelihood that you'd hold his hand and cuddle with him in bed. And most nights, he felt like he couldn't fall asleep unless you were right up next to him.

You didn't say anything, still staring down at the carpeted floor, so he spoke again. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry that we're stuck in the middle right now, but I guess that I just don't know what to do. I wish I could tell what you're thinking, just to know what it's like to be you, ya know? Because I don't, really. I don't know what it's like to be you."

Tom's words made you think, and you lifted your head, slowly meeting his gaze. One corner of his lips turned up slightly, giving you a small smile. You were quiet for a few more moments, trying to gather your thoughts and organize them so they came out coherently.

"Y/N, no matter what you say, I'm not going to think any differently of you. I'm not going to love you any less. You know that, right?" You nodded in response, taking a deep breath before you spoke.

"I just- I really don't want you to leave for filming, Tom," your confession was barely above a whisper, and you had a hard time looking him in the eyes "I know that you don't have any control over that, and I get it, but I'm still going to miss you. A lot." You paused, taking a moment to scoot a little closer to him, before continuing, "And I know I'm being ridiculous, and I'm sorry about that. But the fact that you want to go out and party instead of having a night in with me... it makes me feel like you don't care that you're leaving."

Tom felt his heart twist in his chest at your words. Of course he didn't want to leave you. It broke his heart every time he had to leave you behind, even if it was only for a week.

It was silent again for a bit. So, you spoke up again, moving in a bit closer, "And you're right. I don't know what it's like to be you. But I guess that's what's really on my mind. What... what are you thinking?"

Tom let out a soft sigh, lifting one of his hands to run through his hair. He took a moment before shifting his gaze back to you. "The truth is..." he paused and bit his lip, "I wanted to go out and party because I wanted to forget that I had to leave. Seems like it would be easier. I've been dreading leaving you for filming, and I'm still trying to avoid it."

Your eyes were trained on his face, listening intently as he spoke, "It's hard for me when I leave, but I guess I don't even know what it's like for you. I'm busy 24/7, but you're home, and I'm sure everything is just a reminder that I'm gone."

Tom's hand hesitantly, slowly, reached out towards you. You took a hold of his hand, your fingers immediately locking with his as they rested in your lap. It was his turn to scoot in a little closer, and now your arms were touch, your thighs pressing against each other.

You leaned into Tom's touch a little, resting your head against his shoulder. Silence filled the room, but it wasn't a heavy silence like it had been only a few minutes later. Your head tilted up so your chin was resting against his shoulder and he looked down at you.

His face was so close to yours, you didn't have to speak loudly, "Can I kiss you?" Tom nodded a little as your free hand came to rest on the side of his neck, gently drawing him in closer. Your lips brushed over his slowly, but before you could do anything else, Tom's hand was at your waist, and his lips were pressed against yours in a kiss.

After a few moments, you pulled back and Tom leaned down slightly, his forehead resting against yours gently. Your eyes were closed, but you could feel him staring at you. His thumb was brushing up and down your cheekbone slowly, making you let out a quiet sigh of content.

"Every time we argue, I'm just worried I'm going to lose you. And I can't. I can't lose you."

Your eyes flitted open to look up at him, "That's not going to happen, Tom. I'm not going anywhere." Tom smiled in response, pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. "Movie in bed? That usually cheers us up."

In one swift motion, Tom was standing up and you were in his arms as he headed towards your bedroom. You scrambled to wrap your arms around his neck and lean into his chest. A small "I love you, Tom," fell past your lips as you pressed a kiss to his cheek.

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