home sweet home

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After weeks and weeks of waiting, of feeling lonely, of missing his touch, you knew you would arrive home to find your boyfriend there

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After weeks and weeks of waiting, of feeling lonely, of missing his touch, you knew you would arrive home to find your boyfriend there. Granted, he would most likely be sprawled out on the couch or in the bed, fast asleep. But just the thought of your boy breathing the same air as you again, just within arms reach... Well, that was enough to keep you going through the day.

It was quiet in your house as you opened the door. Not even Tessa came sliding across the wood flooring to greet you. The feeling in the air of your house was different, it was the feeling of your boyfriend being home. Tom carried all of the light with him wherever he went, and when he was gone, you could feel it fade with each day that the two of you spent apart. You could sense the change, now. No longer was your house dark and quiet, it was filled with brightness and joy, it was warm and familiar, and that brought a smile to your face.

You dropped your bag onto the floor, taking your shoes and jacket off as quietly as possible as if there was a possibility of disturbing your boy. You knew that he was sleeping and that the sound of a bag dropping or a door closing wouldn't wake him, but you didn't want to take the chance. Socked feet padding across the hardwood floors, you made your way up the stairs.

Just as you had expected, your bedroom door was cracked open, and you could hear Tom's soft breathing from inside. You slipped as carefully as you could into the bedroom without making a sound and stopped just inside the door to look at the sleeping boy on the bed. Your sleeping boy.

Tom was laying on his stomach in the bed, his cheek pressed into his pillow, one of his arms sprawling across the bed, reaching out to your side. He was wearing one of his favorite hoodies, and the pair of sweatpants he was wearing sat low on his hips. You panned the room, seeing one of his suitcases open on the floor, clothes spilling out everywhere. No doubt he had arrived home, changed his clothes, and then immediately passed out onto the bed.

After a quick change into leggings and a too-big sweatshirt, you made your way to the bed. You pressed your knee into the bed to climb on, ever so carefully lifting Tom's arm and slipping into the bed next to him. You set Tom's arm down gently over your waist, but he didn't wake up. Laying on your side facing him, you scooted as close as you possibly could to him, making the bed dip slightly in the middle. You reached down with your free hand and pulled the covers up over the both of you before looking up at your boyfriend.

Tom was still sleeping, his cheek still pressed into his pillow; you could see the crease marks forming on his cheek from the pillowcase. The last of the day's light spilling in from the window was falling across his face in streaks, as if he was glowing. He was always glowing. His lips were pursed slightly as he slept, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him. He always looked so soft, so small, when he slept. Those dark brown curls of his - the ones that were normally pushed up and to the side - were falling into his face. For a few moments you were able to resist the urge to brush them out of his face, but it was much too tempting. You reached out and brushed his soft curls up and away out of his face, the way he always did.

He stirred slightly, and you knew that he needed his sleep, but now that you'd touched him, you just couldn't help yourself. Your fingertips ever-so-lightly skirted along his hairline, pushing a few more pieces of fallen hair out of his face. The soft touches continued down the side of his face, tracing along his strong jaw; first along the outer part of his jaw, then underneath. You could feel the stubble that was starting grow back after his last shave. He'd hated the time he had to grow out his facial hair for his trip to Japan, but you had secretly liked it. It was a new look, a different look. He looked older.

You knew Tom was awake as your hand lifted to trace your finger down his nose, but his eyes weren't open just quite yet. You loved his nose. He had the absolute cutest little nose, and you loved the way that it was slightly crooked after he'd broken it. Leaning in, you pressed a soft kiss to the tip of his nose, and it scrunched up towards his eyebrows.

Tom's eyes blinked once, twice, and then his gaze was locked with yours. His eyes were still heavy with sleep, but a lazy smile found its way to his lips. In the dim lighting, his eyes were dark, but still so soft. Always soft. His voice was thick and raspy, his accent extra prominent as he spoke in the softest of whispers, "Hello, darling."

He couldn't say any more, but he didn't need to. His hands had found their way to your hips, pushing your shirt up slightly so his warm palms could rest against your skin, pulling you in closer. Your thumbs had brushed up his cheekbones before your hands slid around his neck, your fingers toying with the delicate curls at the nape of his neck.

You stared at each other in silence for a few moments, admiring one another, reveling in the moment. At this point, you had begun to feel a little drowsy as well, and your nose bumped with Tom's as the two of you leaned into each other, causing a quiet of bubble of laughter to escape from your lips. You could feel Tom's sleepy smile on his lips as they fell against yours in the softest kiss imaginable. It was a needy kiss. A passionate kiss. A "please never leave me again" kiss. God, you had missed this. Missed your boy.

Your fingers tugged gently on his curls as the kiss continued, his fingers pressing lightly into the skin at your hips. The two of you could barely even stop to breathe, you couldn't get enough. Tom slowly rolled onto his back, pulling you with him. Your legs were on either side of his waist, your chest pressed to his.

Tom's hands found their way under your hoodie, and he took his time trailing his hands up your sides, feeling the softness of your skin, and your every curve. Taking in every single thing he'd missed over the last few weeks. You broke away for a few seconds, both you and Tom fumbling to get the hoodie over your head.

The moment the article of clothing hit the ground, Tom had gently pulled you back to him, and your lips were dancing together once more. This time, it was your turn to slip your hands underneath his hoodie. You wasted no time pulling it up and over his head, dropping it on the floor next to yours.

Breathing heavily, you rested both of your hands flat against Tom's chest as you sat up and straddled his waist. Tom looked up at you from where he was laying, and there was something in his eyes you couldn't explain as his warm hands slid up and down your thighs slowly. The look was more than just a want or a need, more than just the deepest love he had for you. It was all of these things. And it was his brightness. His brightness that filled you up to the very brim, making you feel like you'd never felt with anyone else.

Gliding your hands over his chest slowly, you felt every curve and dip and plane. Tom was muscular, especially after playing Spider-Man. He worked out all the time, and he was so strong and just beautiful. You couldn't help but marvel at how good he looked. However, his muscles and definition didn't take away how soft he looked. Always so soft.

Your hands slid over his strong shoulders as you leaned down, your chest against his once more. You pressed a kiss just underneath his ear at his jaw, and then made a trail of kisses to his mouth. You kissed the corner of his mouth and he reached up, fingers underneath your chin to turn your head and draw you in, giving you a real kiss. Once again, this kiss was soft and sweet. Just as quickly as things had heated up, they had died down; the sleepiness (and just pure love and admiration) taking over the both of you.

Leaning down, you placed your head on Tom's shoulder, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his exposed skin. Tom's hands slid over your bare back slowly as the two of you sat in silence. From the angle you were at, you could see everything perfect about your boyfriend. The way his long eyelashes kissed his cheeks when they were closed, the slight crook of his nose, his strong jawline, his pursed lips. You adored this boy. Everything about him.

The hand laying on the other side of his chest was tracing small hearts into his skin, and you let out a sigh of content. Tom's free hand came up to play with your hair gently, a whisper slipping past his lips, his voice still a little sleepy, "God, I missed you too much. I love you, sweetheart."

Your heart swelled as his words filled you with that brightness you always craved. "I love you with all of my heart, Tommy."

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