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The sound of one of your favorite songs came streaming out through the speakers in the kitchen, filling the room as you pressed play on your favorite playlist

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The sound of one of your favorite songs came streaming out through the speakers in the kitchen, filling the room as you pressed play on your favorite playlist. The playlist was filled with a number of your favorite songs, as well as your roommate Tom's favorite songs. Whenever either of you were home, there was usually music playing, and you'd made a playlist together so you wouldn't argue too much about what to play.

It was just past eleven in the morning, and you were planning on baking all sorts of things for the whole day. Tom wasn't anywhere to be found, and you weren't sure when he'd be home, so you figured you'd take the day to listen to music and dance in the kitchen while you baked. You'd thrown on a pair of small shorts, and couldn't find a clean shirt in your room, so you picked up one of Tom's out of his room. He let you wear his clothes from time to time, so you figured he wouldn't care too much. His shirts were almost always too big on you, and this one was no different; it came down to your mid-thigh. With your hair thrown up into a messy bun, you made your way downstairs to the kitchen.

Once the music was playing, you got to work. The first thing you were planning on making was your mom's chocolate chip cookies. There was something special about them, and you and Tom both loved them, so you made a double batch. Once the cookies were on sheets, and in the oven, you let yourself get lost in the music. Your eyes closed as you listened to the songs, your hips swaying from side to side.

You were so caught up in the music that you didn't hear the sound of Tom coming home. He stood leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you, laughing to himself. It was only when you turned toward him, your eyes still closed, that he realized you were wearing one of his shirts. He couldn't help the smile that was tugging at his lips as he spoke up, "That my shirt you got on, love?"

Tom's voice made you jump, your eyes flying open as you looked at him. You placed your hand on your chest, letting out a sigh, "Fuck, Tom, ya scared me."

He put his hands up in surrender, letting out another laugh as he made his way into the kitchen. "Sorry, Y/N/N. But like I said... is that my shirt?"

For some reason, you could feel your face getting hot at Tom's question, and you nodded. "Yeah, sorry. Couldn't be bothered to do laundry right now."

Tom shrugged as he grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, taking a long drink. He looked as though he'd just come back from the gym; his cheeks were flushed, hair a mess, clothes slightly damp from the shower he'd taken at the gym after his workout. Setting the bottle of water on the counter and then hopping up on the counter next to it, he looked across the kitchen to you, "No worries. Looks good on you." Once again, his words filled your stomach with butterflies, and before you could even respond, he was talking again. "Smells good, what are you making?"

A huge grin placed itself on your lips as you replied, "Mum's chocolate chip cookies."

His eyes went wide, his lips matching yours with a big smile, "Oh, god. Everything I just did at the gym is going to go out the window when those cookies come out the oven." You giggled and nodded your head as you mentioned that you'd made a double batch, too. Tom let out a groan, "You're going to be the death of me, love."

You could feel the butterflies when he called you "love," but you only shrugged with a smile as you went to skip a song. The next song came on was a song on the playlist that both you and Tom adored. Smiling to yourself, you let your eyes close once more as you began to hum quietly and move in time with the song. Tom watched you from the counter for a few moments, not saying anything, a smile planted on his lips.

When it got to the chorus, Tom slid off of the counter, and you heard his feet hitting the ground. You figured that he'd left the kitchen until a pair of arms snaked around your waist from behind, pulling you in. Your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of his strong arms around your waist, his warm body pressed against yours. Tilting your head back to get a look at him, he gave you a stupid grin as he started singing along with the song. You knew he didn't sing often, he was embarrassed by it, but you loved his voice, and he knew that.

You couldn't help but feel that something in the air had changed as the two of you swayed to the song together, Tom's breath against your ear as he sang along. He told you that you looked good in his clothes, practically died when you mentioned you'd made extra cookies just for him, and now this? Dancing in the kitchen to your favorite song, his arms around your waist. However, you couldn't say that you minded. Tom was an amazing person inside and out, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't have a little thing for him.

Tom continued singing as he grabbed one of your hands in his, twirling you around. You shrieked in surprise, giggles spilling from your mouth as Tom stopped spinning you and you grabbed onto his shoulders for support. Now you were chest to chest, dancing around the kitchen.

Your eyes met his and he gave you a grin, lifting a hand to push some hair out of your face, "You're gorgeous, love."

Your heart was practically beating out of your chest at this point, but you tilted your head, a playful smile on your lips, "You flirting with me, Holland?"

He gave you a shrug, one corner of his mouth tilting up into a smile. You could tell he was trying to be mysterious, but the sparkle in his eye gave it away as he spoke, "What if I was?"

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