study buddies

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You met Tom in your psychology class

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You met Tom in your psychology class. He just so happened to sit down next to you on the first day of class, and that was that. At first, he'd kind of annoyed you, trying to ask you questions about the content while the professor was talking. At first, at the beginning of the semester, you would tell him to just pay attention. But then, as the semester went on, you realized that he really just did need help with some of the concepts; he wasn't doing it just to be annoying.

Once you came to that realization, you didn't mind helping him out. In fact, you really started to like talking to him. The two of you would both sit down and talk before class began, and instead of asking about class concepts, he would ask you about your life, and the two of you got to know each other pretty well that way. But it wasn't until after Tom asked you to study with him, to be "study buddies," that the two of you started to hang out outside of the classroom.

One evening, you and Tom were in the library until almost 10:30. You were meant to be working on homework, but you'd given up only an hour and a half after you'd arrived, settling for just talking to each other about whatever came to mind. He ended up sitting next to you, sharing his music with you; one earbud was in your ear, the other in his. By the time it was just after 10:00, you let out a loud yawn, causing Tom to pause the music and ask if you wanted to go home.

You hesitated when he asked, wanting to say no. You wanted to stay with Tom, spend the night talking to him, but you knew that you had to get to bed so you'd get up on time the next morning for your class. Quite honestly, you had a crush on Tom, and you often found yourself wishing you were hanging out with him all the time. "I mean, I don't want to go, but I probably should. Gotta get up early for class tomorrow, ya know?"

Tom nodded, giving you his warm smile as he began to pack up all of his books and notebooks, "Since it's late, and dark outside, I'll walk you back to your building, yeah?"

Following Tom's actions, you'd began to pack up, too, and froze when he offered to walk you home. Your eyes flicked up to his, and you could feel your heart beating faster at his offer, "Are- are you sure? You really don't have to, I'll be okay..."

He nodded again as he lifted his backpack over his shoulder, "Yeah, don't want you to walk home by yourself, love." You nodded quickly, giving in to his request. If a cute boy wanted to walk you home and make sure you were safe, you weren't gonna say no.

When both of you were packed up, you walked out together. The conversation didn't come to a stop as you walked back to your place; Tom was always easy to talk to. The two of you walked side by side, and you were hardly paying attention to the sidewalk, looking up at Tom as he talked passionately.

While you were walking, Tom's hand had brushed against yours a few times. At first, you thought it was an accident. After all, that kind of thing happened all the time when you were walking with friends. But then it happened a few more times, and eventually, Tom's pinky caught yours.

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