one i've been missing

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A/N: happy holidays everyone! here's my present to you! based off of one i've been missing by little mix (above). the italics are a note :)

To the one I've been missing,

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To the one I've been missing,

Tom furiously scribbled the words onto the piece of paper on the table in front of him. He needed to get all of his thoughts out, and he needed to do it now; he only had so much time. He'd been gone for much too long, and was worried that everything had been ruined between the two of you. It was hard being away from each other for so long, and filming Cherry had taken everything out of him, not leaving much for anyone else, no matter how much he missed you. The only thing that had gotten him through was the thought of being home with you. He was looking forward to setting up the decorations with you, wrapping presents together, just spending time with you. It was all he wanted.

I know that I've been gone, been kind of distant. Literally and figuratively. But I promise you, you've been on my mind a million times. You're the only thing that's gotten me through, and I've missed you more than I can say. I'll make this up to you now.

You always missed Tom when he was away, even if he was only down the street at the store. But somehow, you managed to miss him even more at this time of the year. You could never fall asleep when he wasn't next to you. It was as if your body knew that he was on the other side of the world, and refused to shut off, even for a few hours. Tessa was with you, but as much as you loved the dog, it wasn't the same.

Luckily, Tom was due home in a few days, just in time for Christmas. All you wanted was to watch the snow fall outside as you sat by the fire with your love. You didn't care if there were decorations or presents or fancy meals, you just wanted him. To hold his hand, to kiss his lips, to look into his eyes. To be near him.

With only a few days left before the holiday, you were out doing your shopping. You always wanted to be done weeks before, but you somehow always ended up waiting until the last minute, no matter how good your intentions were. This, however, worked in Tom's favor, as he'd arrived home early to surprise you. Tom had worked with your family and best friend to make sure that you didn't know about it, and to get you out of the house at the time he was supposed to be arriving home, leaving him enough time to get everything ready. Thankfully, everything was going to plan so far.

After making sure to give some attention to Tessa, Tom got to work. You'd decided to wait until you were together to put the decorations up, so there was nothing on the walls of your apartment. Even though you'd made that agreement, Tom wanted to do something to make it a bit more special and hung some lights up. Some red and white flowers lined the hallway to the kitchen where he'd be waiting. And then, it was on to finishing his note, leaving it on the table in the living room for you to find, and waiting for you to come home.

The second you stepped inside, you could tell something was different, and that as before you even caught notice of the twinkling lights hanging along the walls. It wasn't a bad different, not in the slightest. It was as if the air in the house was warmer than usual, somehow. Like the entire place was sparkling and glowing with something that had been missing for a few months.

After taking notice of the lights, you spotted the note left on the table. You quickly dropped your bags onto the ground and picked up the piece of paper. Your heart started to beat faster as you read the words, nearly bursting out of your chest at the last line of the note.

I need to show you just how much I love you this Christmas. So... come find me, my love.

Letting out a gasp, you dropped the letter and it fluttered back down, onto the table. Catching sight of the lights leading to the kitchen, and the occasional flower, you raced to the kitchen. And there, leaning against the island, was your boyfriend.

Tears welled in your eyes as you flew across the kitchen, practically tackling Tom into a hug, burying your face into the crook of his neck, "Tom!"

"Hi, sweetheart," he murmured as he held you close to him. One of his hands wrapped around your waist tightly, the other lightly cupping the back of your head, fingers threading into your hair.

"You're here! You're home early," your voice came out muffled from being pressed into his shirt, as close as you possibly could.

"I'm here," he smiled, pulling back just enough to cup your cheeks and look into your eyes.

It was silent for a moment as the two of you just stared at each other with wide eyes, Tom's thumbs brushing over cheeks slowly. You could see the Christmas lights he'd set up sparkling in his warm brown eyes. You could swear you'd never seen the lights look brighter than they did reflecting in those pretty eyes of his. Leaning forward, you pressed your forehead against Tom's. Brushing your nose against his, you whispered softly, "I'm glad you're home early."

"I am, too," he replied, pecking your lips, "Merry Christmas, baby."

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