you remind me of you

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Tom woke up to the morning light filtering in through the window. With a soft groan and closed eyes, he reached over to his wife's side of the bed, only to find it empty. His fingers grasped at the empty sheets, wishing her warm body was still next to his. It was then that he realized the house smelled like bacon, and he knew that it would only be a few moments until his children came crashing through the bedroom door to wake him up. He always appreciated when his wife would let him sleep in, even if it didn't last for very long.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Just as predicted, shrieks of excitement came from his children as the bedroom door flew open. Small feet hit the hardwood floor and seconds later, his two boys were pulling themselves up into his bed. Tom pretended to be asleep, keeping his eyes closed as he made obnoxious snoring noises. His younger boy, Parker, had found his way onto his dad's chest and was leaning over him, poking at his cheeks in an attempt to wake him up. Connor, who was older by a little less than two years, was pushing and pulling at his dad's shoulder and arm.

All of a sudden, Tom sat up, his eyes flying open and his arms wrapping around his boys as he tackled them into his arms. More shrieks came from the kids as Tom laughed and let them go, his hand running through his hair. He mumbled a, "Good morning, boys," as he pressed a kiss to each of their heads.

"Daddy, it's time for breakfast, come on!" This time, both of the boys were tugging his hands and pulling him out of bed, down the stairs to the kitchen.

As soon as they made it to the kitchen, the boys let go of their dad's hand and went to sit at their spot at the table. Tom stopped in the doorway, watching the scene in front of him. His wife was at the stove making pancakes with their youngest perched on her hip. Making his way across the kitchen, he slid his arms around his two girls. "Mm good morning, my love," he whispered, pressing a kiss to his wife's cheek.

"Good morning, baby!" Her tone was cheerful, even though it was still fairly early in the morning. He was constantly in awe of how she did everything.

Eleanor reached out toward her daddy, making grabby hands until he plucked her out of his wife's arms with a, "Good morning to you, too, sweet pea!" He spun her around, making her squeal with joy. Her little hands held onto his neck tightly as she leaned in to give her daddy a hug.

The almost-three-year-old pressed a sloppy kiss to Tom's cheek and exclaimed, "wuv you, daddy!"

"I love you too, Ellie." Tom pressed a kiss to her head as he placed her in her seat at the table, brushing a few of her curls out of her face. She was the only one who had gotten his hair. The boys had a little bit of curl to their hair when they were younger, but they grew out of it. Luckily, it didn't seem like Ellie's curls were going anywhere.

Aside from the mess of curly chestnut brown hair and the constant daydreaming, Ellie was an exact copy of her mother. She was the prettiest little thing, and she had a heart of gold, which Tom attributed to his wife. Not to mention, she definitely had his wife's gorgeous eyes. His wife liked to joke that she'd made an exact clone for when Tom and the boys were getting too out of hand.

Even though Ellie reminded him so much of his wife, he also could see the person that she was growing into. Ellie was sassy and spunky, and she wasn't afraid of anything. She was uniquely, entirely, her own person, and Tom loved that.

It was that way with each of his kids. His kids reminded him of himself at times, and his wife at others, but most of the time... Well, most of the time, they reminded him of themselves. There was no one else like them.

He loved that he could see bits and pieces of himself, of his wife, in their children, but they were each very clearly their own person. Connor liked to copy Tom, to do the same things that he did, but he did them with his own little twist. Parker talked with the same cadence as Tom, but in his own little four-year-old way.

Tom loved his kids with everything he had in him, and he always did his best to make sure they knew it. He worried that because he was gone a lot for filming and press tours that his kids wouldn't always feel the love he had for them. Whenever he was home, Tom spent every second that he could with them.

He would run around in the backyard with Connor and Parker, making a mess, chasing them around, while his wife and daughter sat on the porch watching. He'd take Ellie out for some ice cream and a father-daughter day.

Whenever Tom wasn't home, his wife would always promise the kids that their daddy loved them, even if he wasn't home all the time. She'd promise that their mommy loved them, too. When they woke up crying in the middle of the night, missing their dad, Tom's wife would give them a cuddle before facetiming her husband.

Tom would answer the call to see his little girl sniffling with tears running down her cheeks, and his heart would break knowing he couldn't be there to dry her tears. It was always, "Hi, peanut, why are you crying?" And, "Daddy will be home soon, little love, don't you worry. Mama's gonna dry your tears 'till Daddy's home, okay? I love you, peanut."

Anyhow, sitting around the kitchen table with his family, Tom's heart was full. His little people, the ones that were just like him, yet oh-so different were having their own conversation. And his best friend, the lovely person who had helped him make these tiny people, sat next to him, her hand in his. His family was all he needed.

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