the sweater

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another collab with @ mcuspidey on tumblr!!

Just as the last of the stars were beginning to sparkle above the trees, the embers were glowing as they died in the fire pit. Tom's arms gave your waist a gentle squeeze as you leaned back into his chest, your arms folding over his. The wool of the oversized sweater he'd stolen from a photoshoot brushed against your skin as you tried to curl up into his lap, shying away from the cold as the flames slowly burned out. Now his warmth was the only thing shielding you from the chill in the air and you leaned your head back against his shoulder as you gazed out across the lake. Feeling his heartbeat against your chest, you couldn't help but smile.

It had been a perfect weekend so far, away from the everyday life of being the girlfriend of a mega movie star. No flashing lights or red carpet events and you had both agreed to turn your phones off so it really was just you and Tom. The only real interruptions being the bright rays of each new sunrise streaming past the curtains, waking you up every morning and the sunset that brought the moonlight which meant you were getting closer to having to leave. But for now, you decided to push the thoughts away, relaxing in his arms as that same glow of the night sky lit up his beautiful face.

You lean forward just enough to see him perfectly; the imperfect curve of the bridge of his nose, the straight and content line of his lips forming into a tiny smile as you reached your hand up behind his neck to run your fingers through his wind-blown curls. The last of the orange ash and embers were reflecting in his soft brown eyes as he stared back at you, like a gentle fire was now burning inside of him. One of his hands lifted slowly, brushing some loose strands of hair out of your face, "You good, darlin'?"

"Mhm," is all you can breathe out, your smile matching his as you twist in his lap to face him, legs moving to either side of his waist. Pressing your hands against the fabric of the ugly sweater just underneath his collarbones, you lean in, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his lips. "You just... you're kind of beautiful."

Tom's laughter vibrates in his chest and you can feel it under the palms of your hands as you tug on the strings of it, giving him a playful smirk.

"Oh, just 'kind of' huh?" He teases, fingers pressing into your waist lightly.

You manage to nod before he cups your face with one hand, his thumb rubbing across your jaw while the other goes to the small of your back and then it all happens so quickly. One minute you were turned away from him, memorizing the sound of the water lapping against the rocks and the feeling of his heart racing on your back and the next, you had forgotten everything but the way his lips melted against yours and softness of the pads of his fingers setting their own kind of fire on your skin.

He kissed the corners of your mouth the same way you had done to his before, leaving one on the tip of your nose and forehead, letting that one linger for a while and you didn't mind. You wanted to take it slow tonight, knowing that you didn't have much longer to have him all to yourself so there was no rush. You closed your eyes to take it all in, to take him in but as your lips began to move together and his tongue begged for entrance, you were already thinking about pulling the sweater off of him and getting out of the cold which wasn't exactly what was bothering you. Tom was your own personal furnace; it was impossible to ever feel cold wrapped in his arms. You just wanted him, without any kind of fabric between you or the hard ground taking away your comfort.

"Maybe we should take this inside, yeah?" An easy smirk appeared on his face, one that meant he knew and wanted exactly what you were thinking. So it didn't take him long to spread his warm palms on your hips where your shirt had ridden up and slide you easily off his lap. You let your lips linger against his until the last possible second, fingers twisting into the fabric of the sweater to keep a hold on him as the two of you stood up and stumbled over each other's feet to make your way towards the sliding door that was the only thing standing between you and the warmth inside.

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