lost and found

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Knocking on the door to Tom and Harrison's apartment, you hoped that someone would be awake to open it

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Knocking on the door to Tom and Harrison's apartment, you hoped that someone would be awake to open it. You and Tom were meant to be spending the day together, and you knew that if left to his own devices, Tom would sleep half the day away. So you were at his place, ready to wake him up with a cup of coffee in hand for him.

Just as you were about to knock again, Harrison opened the door, looking surprised to see you there, "Hey, Y/N. Knew you were coming by, didn't think it'd be so early, though. That coffee for me?"

Laughing a little, you stepped inside and slipped your shoes off, letting the door close behind you, "Yeah, I know I'm early, but I also know Tom will sleep all day if I let him."

"So the coffee's for me, then?" Harrison asked again as he made his way to sit down on the couch and watch TV again.

You gave Harrison a look, your eyes rolling playfully as you headed straight for the stairs, "You wish, Haz. Gotta have some way to get that boy up."

Harrison quickly shouted, "Good luck with that!" before you disappeared up the steps.

Pushing open the door to Tom's room, you stuck your head in to find Tom still fast asleep in his bed. There was a soft light filtering into the room from the closed blinds, streaks of sunlight laying across Tom's bare back as he slept on his stomach. All of the blankets on the bed were either at the end of the bed or bunched around his waist. The boy was always warm, serving as your personal space heater much of the time, so you figured it'd be that way when he slept, too.

Setting the cup of coffee on the nightstand next to the bed, you carefully crawled into the bed, laying partially on top of him. Your arms slid around his waist, and you pressed your face into the crook of his neck, pressing light kisses to his skin. His cheek was pressed into the pillow, his head facing away from where you'd decided to lay next to him. "Tom, baby, it's time to wake up," you murmured, trying to keep your voice soft. You pressed a few kisses along his cheek as he started to stir beneath you.

Tom let out a loud groan, grunting at some of your weight on top of him as he tried to shift in the bed. When he turned his head your direction, his eyes were still screwed shut, words coming out muffled and raspy into the pillow, "Mm, lovey, what're ya doing'?" His face was a light pink, warm from sleep, with a few lines from the creases in his pillow pressed into his face.

"Time to get up, bub, we're spending the day together, remember?" You whispered quietly, laughing a little as you lifted your hand to gently run your fingers through the wild curls that were falling onto his forehead. Your hand slid down the side of his face, cupping his jaw in your palm as your thumb brushed back and forth against his cheek. The little bit of stubble that had grown on his face was rough underneath your fingers, but the rest of him was oh-so soft in his half-asleep state, and you couldn't help but press a kiss to the tip of his nose.

His warm brown eyes blinked open slowly as his nose scrunched up towards his eyebrows, a small huff of air leaving his mouth, "Hmph no. 'M not gonna leave, 'n now you're here with me, 'm not goin' anywhere, darlin'." Tom shifted in bed, his arms wrapping around you in tightly as he tried to pull you closer so you couldn't leave.

You laughed again quietly, burying your face into the crook of his neck as you relished in the feeling of being in Tom's arms, pressing small kisses along his collarbone. He almost distracted you from your real goal of getting him out of bed, but then you saw the cup of coffee out of the corner of your eye. Struggling to get free, you wriggled out of his grasp, pecking his lips before sitting up, "Got you some coffee, bub, it's on the nightstand. And I'll make you some waffles if you get outta bed."

Though you knew he didn't want to show it, you could see the way Tom perked up slightly at the mention of coffee and waffles. He rolled around underneath the sheets, stretching his arms out before sitting up, letting out a loud yawn. You gave him a smile as you stood up, but just as you were about to leave, his hand reached out towards you, and you took it in yours, pulling him up out of bed. His arms slid around your waist and yours went around his neck as he pulled you in for a soft kiss, mumbling against your lips, "Mornin' babe. 'M gonna shower, then I'll be downstairs, yeah?" You nodded in response, pecking his lips quickly one last time before you let him go.

You watched him disappear into the bathroom, the door closing behind him. You were about to head downstairs when you noticed one of his flannels hanging up on the closet door. He must've done his laundry and then hung it up to dry. Tom in flannels made you feel some type of way, and you wanted more than anything to slip it on, to try it for yourself. It would be too big, and he was in the shower so you couldn't ask him, but you figured he wouldn't mind, even though you'd never really worn something of his before.

Without a second thought, you tugged the flannel off of its hanger, slipping it on over your black t-shirt. Just as predicted, the black and brown flannel was too big on you, but you didn't mind. It smelled just like your boyfriend, and it felt like you were wrapped up in his arms. You crossed your arms over your chest, a happy smile gracing your lips as you made your way down the stairs.

Harrison was still sitting where you'd left him, and he looked up when you came around the corner, "Did you actually manage to get him up?" You nodded proudly, giving Harrison a smug look. His eyes narrowed, as if he didn't believe you. "How'd you do it? Did ya give him a quickie?" he asked teasingly.

A scoff left your lips as you picked up a pillow sitting nearby and threw it in your friend's direction, "He wishes. Did promise to make him some breakfast though." You saw the way Harrison's mouth opened and you knew what he was going to ask, so you shook your head quickly, "No, you can't have any, div." Before he could say anything else, you quickly ducked into the kitchen, getting stuff ready.

By the time the first waffle was done, you could hear Tom out in the living room, asking Harrison if he knew where something was. It seemed as if Harrison didn't know, as Tom's footsteps approached the kitchen. He was talking before you could see each other, "Baby, did you happen to see my-" He stopped short as he entered the kitchen, seeing you standing there. A goofy smile placed itself on his lips, "Never mind, I've found it."

Your head tilted to the side, eyebrows furrowing together as you wondered what Tom could possibly be talking about. "What were you looking for, Tommy?"

His head shook as he made his way over to you. He stopped behind you, sliding his arms around your waist from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder, "Was looking for my flannel, but it seems I've found it."

"Oh!" you exclaimed, wiggling out of his arms, starting to pull the shirt off of your body. "Sorry, baby, didn't know you were gonna wear it. Just looked comfy, is all. Here, you can have it back."

Tom quickly shook his head, eyes widening as he grabbed your hands to stop you, "No no no no." Your eyes met his, your eyebrows raised in confusion, "'S okay, baby, it looks good on you."

"Are you sure?" you asked quickly.

Your boyfriend nodded, pulling the flannel back into place for you, "I'm positive, love. You look great in it."

You couldn't help the huge grin that broke out on your face as you leaned up on your toes, pressing a soft kiss to Tom's lips. Your arms slid around his torso as you pulled him in for a hug, resting your head against his chest. You gave him a gentle squeeze, sighing happily, "Can I borrow your clothes more often? They're comfy, and it smells like you."

Tom laughed, his lips pressing to the top of your head, "Of course, love. Always."

The light on the waffle maker turned off, signaling that it was done, so you quickly slipped away from Tom, putting his waffle onto a plate. Turning back around to him, you were surprised when his hand slid between your t-shirt and the flannel to pull you closer, causing you to almost drop the breakfast you'd just made for him.

Before you could say anything, he'd dipped down and pressed a kiss to your lips. Pulling back and plucking the plate out of your hands, he gave you another goofy grin, "What a perfect way to start the day."

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