no judgement

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a/n: this is based on no judgement by niall horan, so go give that a listen!! ALSO, it's a bit smutty... nothing too detailed, but it's there! 


It had been months since you'd seen Tom. Hell, it'd been months since you'd properly talked. He was busy with his amazing career, and you were busy with school and your job. That was just the way things went between the two of you, but you were okay with that. It didn't have to be confusing or difficult if you told yourself it wasn't, and so it just wasn't. Tom had been your friend for years, and even though you didn't always talk regularly or keep up with each other, the interaction was always easy whenever you did catch up. Your other friends, including the friends you and Tom shared, always wondered why you did this; why you bothered wasting so much time on Tom if it wasn't ever going to go anywhere. But you never felt the need to explain it when it just felt easy.

So, when Tom was finally home and sent you a message, it wasn't long until you found yourself at his doorstep, fiddling with your hair and smoothing out your shirt. You were never anxious or nervous around him, you were only nervous in the moments leading up to seeing him again. But then, as soon as you saw him, all of those anxieties dissipated. And when the door swung open, all you could do was smile as Tom pulled you in for a warm hug, the familiar feeling of his arms around you calming any nervous thought or feeling you had.

"Hey, you," he murmured into your hair, hand rubbing over your back like he always did when he hugged you, "You look nice, love."

"I could say the same to you," you replied as you pulled back from his embrace. It was true; he did look really nice. It seemed as though he'd built up a lot of muscle recently, and his skin was that beautiful golden color that it got to be when he spent a lot of time in the sun. His hair was starting to grow out, too, little waves forming near his forehead.

You could swear you almost saw him blush, cheeks flushing as you complimented him, but he quickly shook it off as he practically pulled you inside his house. His place was decorated the same as it always had been, and reflected Tom in nearly every aspect. But you didn't mind. You couldn't, not when you loved every part of Tom. As always, the conversation was easy as the two of you got to talking and catching up on everything that had been going on in your lives.

It wasn't until you were straddling Tom's hips, hands in his hair, that you realized you had no idea how you'd ended up in this position. The two of you had just been talking, and now... now you were kissing him more than you ever had before. As much as you and Tom were flirty with each other, and even though you'd shared a few drunken kisses, it'd never gone this far. But somehow, you didn't mind. It was Tom. It was easy. You guys could make this — whatever it was — work, right? Friends with benefits was a thing, it wasn't unusual. It didn't have to be complicated.

Tom could sense your nerves and the hesitance in the kiss, pulling back enough to look you in the eyes as his hands cupped your cheeks. His voice was soft as he studied your face, "We can— we can stop if you're uncomfortable. I-I don't want you to be uncomfortable or feel unsafe. I just thought maybe... maybe you wanted to do this, too, but I—"

"Tom, Tom," you tried catching his attention, fingers running through his hair gently, "it's okay. I was just surprised, is all. I do want this, too. Just kiss me."

You didn't have to ask twice before his lips were against yours again, kissing you with an intensity he hadn't before. Suddenly underneath Tom, you decided to just get lost in the moment and not think about it any longer, letting him take control. His hands made their way underneath your shirt, and before you knew it, you were both naked and in the heat of the moment. Years' worth of pent up feelings for each other were seemingly fueling the situation at hand, but you couldn't say that you minded.

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