dr. holland

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Ben, your three-year-old, clung to your shirt as soon as the doctor entered the room. He was shy to begin with, and he was not at all a fan of the doctor's office, so you were fairly certain the rest of the appointment was not going to go smoothly. You'd never seen this doctor before, but you'd heard good things.

You were taken aback when an attractive, young man — who looked to be about your age — entered the room, "Good morning! I'm Dr. Holland," he gave you a smile before turning his attention to your little boy, "You must be Benjamin, right?"

Ben only buried his face further into your shirt, hiding away from the stranger. Pressing a kiss to his head, you spoke to your son, "Can you say hi, Ben?" Without saying anything, Ben shook his head quickly, refusing to look up. Glancing up at the doctor, you smiled apologetically, "Sorry, he's pretty shy. Dr. Holland, was it?"

"Oh, no worries! That's understandable," he replied with a smile before crouching down to Ben's level, placing a hand on his back, "Hi, Ben. You can call me Tom instead of Dr. Holland. How does that sound?"

There was still no reply from the toddler, so you brushed some of his hair out of his face to look at him, "Tom is just gonna give you a check-up, okay? It won't take long, baby."

The doctor — Tom — gave you another smile, "I have an idea. Do you like spider-man, buddy?" This caught Ben's attention, and he glanced up quickly, giving Tom a small nod. Tom crossed the room, picking up the stuffed spider-man that was sitting on his desk and then came back, holding it out to Ben, "Here. How about you hold Spidey while I give you a check-up. Is that okay? It won't take long, I promise. And your mummy can stay right here."

Silence filled the room as Ben looked between the toy and Tom, debating on whether or not he'd take him up on his offer. After a moment, Ben nodded, voice quiet, "Okay." You were surprised that Ben had actually given in, but you weren't going to question it.

"Alright, can you sit up here for me, little man?" Tom asked, helping Ben onto the small table and handing him spider-man. "Great job! Okay, I'm going to look at your ears now with this little light, alright?"

Surprisingly, Ben sat still, hugging the toy to his chest, as Tom did as he said he was going to. You watched in awe as Tom made Ben comfortable, talking to him and even making him laugh once. He made a point to tell Ben everything he was going to be doing before he did it. You had never seen a doctor — or anyone, for that matter — treat your three-year-old with so much respect.

"Okay, I have to feel your tummy now. Can you lay down on the table, buddy?" Tom asked Ben. As soon as he laid down, Tom did as he said once again, but this time, Ben giggled loudly. Tom laughed, pausing, "Are you ticklish?"

Ben shook his head, trying to protest as he continued to laugh, "N-no!"

"It seems like you are!" Tom shook his head, purposefully tickling Ben this time, who squealed and tried to push his hands away.

It didn't take long before Tom was done with the check-up and handing your little boy back to you, "We're all done! See, not so bad, huh? I have to take Spidey back, but how bout I trade you for a sucker?" Tom glanced at you, making sure that was okay.

Ben quickly agreed after you said it was alright, and took the sucker as the two of you walked out of the office. Raising his free hand, Ben turned around and waved, smiling, "Bye, Dr. Tom!"

Before Ben could pull you completely out of the door, you gave Tom a genuine smile, "Thank you so much. You're so good with him, I really appreciate it. He's so shy, no one's ever gotten him out of his shell like that."

"Of course! It's what I'm here for. See you again soon!"

The next day, as Tom was checking out some files on his computer, he realized he no longer had access to Ben's file, and was immediately confused. He thought the entire appointment had gone really well, and if he was honest, he was hoping that he'd get to see you again. You'd been extremely kind, you obviously cared about your child, and it didn't hurt that you were possibly the prettiest person he'd ever seen. Still, no matter how concerned and confused he was, he had no place reaching out to ask why — it would be frowned upon at work, and he was sure you had your reasons.

And you did.

Not long later, a call came in. Tom picked it up right away, surprised to find you on the other end, "Hi, this is Y/N L/N. I'm not sure if you remember me and my son, Ben, from yesterday..."

"Of course! I was just, uh, I actually just noticed that I no longer had access to your son's files. I'll be honest, I'm confused; I thought it went fairly well. If there's something I did that was out of line, please let me know, I—"

"No, no, no!" you quickly replied, not wanting him to get the wrong idea, "Not at all. You were amazing. That was... that was actually why I requested a switch. Maybe this is out of line, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" Tom was shocked; he'd been sure there was a connection, but he hadn't really been expecting this. Your voice sounded nervous on the phone as you spoke up again, taking his silence as your answer, "I, uh, I apologize if that's too forward I just thought—"

This time it was Tom's turn to cut you off, "I'd love to!" Realizing that perhaps he sounded too eager, Tom tried again, "That would be lovely. I understand why you switched. Could I pick you up for dinner sometime?"

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