something special

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Your week had been absolutely terrible, and Tom was painfully aware of this

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Your week had been absolutely terrible, and Tom was painfully aware of this. Work was kicking your ass, and you had a big project coming up, forcing you to spend a whole lot of extra time working on it. People at work weren't always the nicest to you either, which just added to how shitty you were feeling. While you tried your best to keep your work life and home life separate, the week had been too much to handle, and you ended up taking it out on Tom. You hadn't meant to, of course, but coming home to a pile of dishes in the sink, or Tom standing over your shoulder as you tried to work, only made you more crabby. You'd snapped at him more than once out of frustration throughout the week. By the time Friday night rolled around, you were beyond ready for a break. Tom knew this, and planned a relaxing evening for the two of you to spend together.

He'd spent the whole afternoon getting everything together so it'd be ready by the time you got home from work. Comfy clothes were picked out, freezer stocked with your favorite ice cream, Netflix ready so you could pick out the movie, piles of blankets had been turned into a fort in the living room, the fort overflowing with pillows. When you texted him that you were on your way home, he was quick to order your favorite take-out, making sure it'd be there shortly after you arrived.

Having finally arrived home, you pushed the door open, calling out, "I'm home!" and dropping your bag onto the floor just inside the doorway. Leaning against the wall and lifting your foot, you undid the strap on your heel, slipping it off and tossing it onto the pile of shoes in the corner with a thud, the other shoe quick to follow. Honestly, all you wanted was to forget about work, and to curl up next to your boy, focusing on him and him alone.

Just then, as if reading your thoughts, Tom came round the corner, Tessa hot on his heels. After giving Tessa a bit of love, you looked up to your boyfriend, a tired smile on your lips. He looked so soft and warm, wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a sweatshirt, his hair the same as it had been when he'd woken up that morning to give you a goodbye kiss. He knew how to read you better than anyone, and in the next moment, his arms were around your waist, hugging you tightly. Leaning up on your toes, you slid your arms around his neck, pressing your face into the crook of his neck with a sigh. His arms tightened around you carefully as he pressed a kiss to your hair.

"So good to be home. Missed ya, Tommy." Your voice came out quiet and muffled into the crook of his neck, your breath tickling his skin, causing him to chuckle quietly. "Need t' just relax tonight."

Tom pulled back a little so he could see your face, setting you back down on your feet. The smile on his face was contagious as he cupped your cheeks in his warm hands, pushing some hair out of your face at the same time. "Gotta surprise for you, love." Your eyes lit up a little at the prospect, your thumb brushing back and forth against his shoulder blade, where your hand was resting. "But first things first, you gotta go change into something a bit more cozy. Up to the bedroom, my love."

You began to make your way to the stairs, assuming that Tom would follow you, but then stopped at the foot of the stairs when you realized he wasn't behind you. Turning around quickly, you reached your hand out in his direction and wiggled your fingers, silently begging him to come with. As soon as Tom realized what you wanted, he made his way over, slipping his hand into yours. You knew you were being needy, but you honestly didn't care at this point. Your fingers slipped through the spaces of his as they intertwined. Tom was quick to follow you, only steps behind you as you made your way up to your shared bedroom.

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