Chapter 2- Friends And Family

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-if you forgot you are melins little sister you guys aren't even a year apart (if that's even possible let's pretend it is.)

"Mei!, Y/n! Come down and eat breakfast!" Mom yelled to us, apparently I was the only one to wake up to her call, because Mei was still fast asleep whenever I looked over.

I walked over to her bed, and shook her awake "Mei Mei wake up." She fluttered her eyes open, and looked at me. "y/nnn~ what time is itt~." She asked I looked at her clock.

"O.M.G!" I stared intensely at the clock, She looked over "OH MY GOSH WERE GONNA BE LATE." She stated "if you're not ready when I am I'm sorry.. I'm leaving you." I furrowed my eyebrows "I'm hungry so I have to eat.." she stated with her pointer finger in the air.

"Okay well bye I guess." I waved at her, Then got ready and left. I went to my school, walking past my friend's, Priya, miriam, and Abby.

Once I got to my locker, I got all my stuff, thinking 'when is mei getting here!' As if she read my mind...

She opened the doors with a flute case, holding it in her mouth. "besties assemble!" She yelled "miriam!" She pointed at miriam, she closed her locker and greeted Mei. "y/n!" I look over and me already knowing the routine.

I side hugged her, and then she did back with a smile, and then made me go to the other side, walking next to Miriam, which she knows that I had a crush on her.

I looked at her with a 'why would you do this to me' look. miriam looked confused, as always when that happend.

"Priya!" Mei now said, then Priya said "yo." And greeted her.

While Abby was yelling at the students for littering, she saw all of us, And it made her expression now happy and she came to us.

We did our little handshake, and then Mei looked up "ready to change the world?" She asked all of us "mhm." I put my arm over her shoulder "so ready." Miriam stated while pointing to the ground "I was born to do this." Priya kept her straight face and sarcastic voice, "let's burn this place to the ground!" Abby yelled

Time skip to the part where Mei talks about her grades and stuff imma just add you in it though

Me and my sister Mei Always had straight a and 100%, and I know that we are annoying and weird, but that just makes us who we are, but Mei doesn't even know what everyone thinks, so she just goes along.

Time skip

We were 'kindly' asking people to move out the way, While we walked on the sidewalk, I look over and see the daisy's mart, then I remember, everyone except me, Mei, and miriam had a crush on the guy that works there, I tap on miriams shoulder when she looks at me.

"need anything y/n." She smiles I don't talk alot, so I just pointed to the daisy mart, she looked back at Priya and Abby, "devons shift is right now if anybody wants to 'spy' on him." Miriam looked at the two girls, they pulled me, Mei, and miriam with them, Abby was holding me and miriams wrists, while Priya was holding Meis wrists.

Not gonna lie Abby was pretty strong, I tried to loosen the grip she had on me, clearly miriam noticed "Abby loosen the grip for y/n please." Miriam said, Abby loosens the grip on my hand.

"Overprotective" Abby mumbled "wha-" she started, but got cut off with Abby pulling us down, and making us craw to the window, Miriam let me sit on her skate board while we waited for the girls to be done with their spying

She played with my hair almost everyday, so I was used to it but still always got butterflys.

"Why don't you talk much?" Miriam asks me, I look at Mei, which is also waiting, but then I decided to say something
"I don't know." I said in a low tone voice.

I looked up to see Miriams mouth opened slightly, when I see blush on her face, I looked away "are you ok?" I asked, She was sitting down but now she was
Laying on the floor... with her eyes closed...

"Oh no! What did you do to her." Mei giggled "i-idk I'm sorry..." I apologized "calm down I was just playing with you y/n." Mei said

we looked back at her body "well we need to get to the bus, stop playing around miriam." She laughed after shaking her a couple times, she's still not awake she started doing it faster and harder.

She fluttered her eyes open, to see you on the floor rocking Back and forth, with you holding your nees to your chest, with your head in-between them.

"Wait what happend?" She asked, I looked up with tears in my eyes, she shot up with eyes wide, she never saw me so worried or crying

"w-whats wrong." She asked, I just got up from the floor and hugged her, she looked at everyone else with sparkles in their eyes, she slowly hugged back.

"Okayyy. but seriously what happend." She asked I didn't let go of her, and I don't plan on to do it later.

"Well you sorta fainted." Mei said with Abby and Priya beside her "what! Why?" She asked "I think it was because you heard y/n voice for the first time." Priya answered

She looked down at me and saw my teary eyes "I'm sorry..." I whispered "w-what no! It's not your fault it was me over reacting it's just your voice, it's so beautiful" Miriam looked at me, I smiled and hugged her tighter.

We all basically forgot that happend a few seconds later, so we were walking to the bus stop hoping it wouldn't be to late.

We saw the bus "Oh fudgesicles, we gotta go." Mei said pulling on my arm, "wait! We're going kareoking today come with us!" Miriam begged

No I will be to embarrassed to sing In front of everyone, "I'm sorry we can't, it's cleaning day" Mei said, I bounced on my feet "come on, everyday is cleaning day." Miriam stated "but we like cleaning." I accidentally said.

I widened my eyes, "oh no." I whispered in my breath, before I know it Abby and Priya was begging to hear me again, Mei took my arm and pulled it a little.

Miriam was sitting there dazing at me with redness all over. Mei waved her hand infront of her face "huh, what." She looked around.

"We have to go we will see you tommorow." Mei said "Fine but I have a gift for the both of you." She says while reaching over her head to her backpack and came out was a 4*town cd not just Any but mine and Meis favorite.

Mei took it and treasured it, we both were jumping in excitement, before I went and hugged miriam and still a little bouncing, she laughed and patted my back "Oh no the bus is going to leave." I was pulled by Mei and into the bus

To be continued....

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Omggg I actually thought of cute ideas, it was to me. :))

Next chapter either later or tommorow it's 8:00 right now idk I might just do it tonight if I think on staying up late

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