Chapter 14- ritual...

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Imma just get strait to the story

Y/n POV:

I look into the sky to see the lights of 4-town, "what are those lights?" Grandma asked

"I think it's from the sky dome, mother."

"4 is the worst number."

"You know, Vivian was due on the fourth, but I held her in till the 5th." She stated "quiet, lily." (I feel offended my name is the same but spelled diffrent)

"Hurry up everyone, the ritual starts soon."

"Nervouse y/n?" The old man said from beside me "a little."

"I've had 50 years of experience, it won't hurt mostly."


"Tonight Mei and y/n will banish the panda spirit."

"It's almost time, the red moon is coming."

"Mei Mei, y/n, go get ready." We both nodded and got up

I looked at the ground as I walked up the stairs, and into my room, me and Mei both got dressed for the ritual before a knock was heard and the door opened...

Revealing my dad, "hey, dad. We're almost ready." Mei said assuming that's why he was here

"Did you make this?" He held out the camera, that had the video of the time we were raising money.....

"Here, I'll erase it I guess..." I reached out, but he dodged my hand.

"We're just being dumb anyways." Mei said "yknow I wish I could keep the panda, but it could hurt people." I say

"You sound like your mother... she almost destroyed half of the temple."

"You saw it?" Mei asked "once, her and her mother had a big fight."

"Over what?" I asked He just pointed to himself

"Your grandmother never approved of me, your mother was mad,"

"But im a monster."

"All people have sides of them, some are messy, don't throw it out just make room for it."

"You both can erase it, if you want, but this side of you, made me laugh, I don't think I've ever seen y/n this open."

"Did you know y/n an mi-" I covered meis mouth, not letting her finish the sentence

"Wait, does mom know, because she got like super serious when miriam almost said yknow." Mei asked

"Your mom said something about you and miriam I think thats her name..." Dad said

"Oh my gosh." I put my face in my hands

"Mei Mei. Y/n." She opened the door

"Oh what are you guys talking about." She saw us all on the floor...

"Let's get the circle ready." Dad changed the subject


We walked out of the house, to see everyone formed a circle, the man from earlier came up to us "just follow my directions and breathe."

He led us both to the cencer of everyone, then Made a circle with chalk.

"Just don't move from the circle." He said, I started to hear a pace of tapping on something.

I look to my side to see a drum-like thing but it's more of a ringing sound, that went on for like 5 seconds, soon other people also did it.

They chanted in a diffrent language,

"What are they saying." Mei asked, "we sing from our hearts, it doesn't matter, I like Tony bennete an then your grandma is old school."

"Focus on their voices." He said "let them guide you." He finished

I closed my eyes, Meis hand soon found mine for calmness.

We both started floating? And then the sword the old man was holding, a light came to me before I passed out

and soon I was in a forest, with thin and thick trees,

I look over to my right, and see Mei also looking around,

The wind picked up, guiding us both hand in hand, we ended up in a place not as much trees were around us

"Sun yee?" I heard Mei and looked up a little I followed her eyes, and saw her.

We walked up to the circle that she made

It was almost like a mirror, on the other side was me with my normal color hair.

We stuck our hand into the portal, still locked together.

We both hesitated but went all the way through, some of it was sticking onto my clothes,

I look back to the panda, I couldn't do it...

I let go of Meis hand, and went the direction of my panda, Mei looked back at me and ran after.....

We both was sitting in the now pink redish fog,

"Mei mei, y/n. It okay we can do it again." Mom said, I moved away from her taking Meis hand "y/n?"

"We're keeping it." Mei said

We heard whispering voices and they were all asking if they had heard that correctly.

"We're keeping it!" I repeated

"Mei Mei, y/n, please... no."

I squeezed Meis hand and led her to the gate

They all tried to keep us from leaving but I yanked them all of of us

"We're going to the concert!"

Yaaaa okay feel free to correct any spelling mistakes

I'll post again tommorow

I need Ideas for after the storyline of the movie I really don't wanna end it without spending anytime of our beloved miriam just comment any ideas you might have

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