Chapter 8- Denial

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I wasn't sure If It would get this many I'll try to like update you guys 2 times today:D

Back to the storyyyy

Y/n pov:

After we forced our friends out, it was time to show to mom that we could control the red panda.

Me, Mei, mom, and dad were sitting at the table, intensely staring.

"Ready." Me and Mei both said "deforestation." Mom said, while dad held a picture with a lot of trees cut down.

It wasn't as hard for me, since I could be calm when I wanted to, but Mei, I don't know.

Mei had the saddest look on her face, as for me I looked at them to tell them to keep going

"Sad orangutan." She said, after dad flipped the picture again, Mei was so close to crying.

Your 2nd and 3rd spelling bee trophy, okay now it got a little hard if I do say so myself, I broke a sweat keeping calm.

I closed my eyes imagining, Mei, miriam, Abby, and Priya, surrounding me.

"The important thing is you tried." Miriam said "you spelled your but off." Priya said "first place in our hearts!" Abby stated "hey atleast you were second, I was third..." Mei said

I opened my eyes "what a shame." Me and Mei said, our parents looked at eachother.

Mom nodded at my dad, he was sweating, he got up, and brought a box setting it down on the table...

They both stepped back, I was gonna open one side, and Mei was going to, to the other.

We opened it, we both gasped, as 3 kittens was on me, 3 was on her, I tried to stay as Still as possible.

I closed my eyes, to be in the same cloudy area, with all my friends including my sister, but I refer to her as both.

They were all hugging on to me "We love you girl." They all said "panda or no panda." Miriam said as they continued to hug me

I opened my eyes, "how adorable." Me and Mei said, they gasped in shock.

"Mei, y/n?" Dad said "how is this possible, what happend to your panda?" Mom exclaimed

"It's easy, when we start to get emotional, we imagine the people we love most in the whole world." Mei stated

"which is you guys." I lied, mom put her hand to her chest.

"Oh mei-mei, y/n." She hugged us both "now that that's settled, we have one teeny tiny favor to ask." I stated

Small time skip

"No! Absolutely not!" Mom exclaimed

"What!" Me and Mei said in unison, "but this is once in a life time." I stated

"Mei-mei, n/n, it's one thing to stay calm at home or school, but a concert, you Two will get whipped up into a frenzy and panda all over the place."

"Please, we won't we promise." Now both of us is on our knees "you saw us keep it in." I exclaimed

"Ming, Maybe we should just trust them." Dad said, "it's them I don't trust look at those delinquents and their.... gyrations, why on earth do you guys wanna go so badly?"

I widened my eyes imagining (favorite 4☆town member) proposing to me and drinking the most of the soda I could drink.

Mei snapped me out saying "like we said, we just wanna broaden on some musical horizons."

"This isn't music this is filth" I wad deeply offended "and it's not worth jeoparding your life over, right jin?" We all looked at him me and Mei was having glaring eye contact "uh."

"See your father agrees, no concert! And that's final."

"Fine. Thanks for listening, good night." I said with the fakest voice and smile I could get.

Me and Mei grabbed our stuff, when we walked passed, we scoffed and rolled our eyes.


This is very short i know, but! I will be doing another one. I'll try to post is as soooooon as possible.

I have a good amount of motivation so I might do 3 chapter idk


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