Chapter 13- Tylers party...

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Also I didn't know If I should do other POVS I will for this chapter if it's confusing just let me know and I'll stop

Y/n POV:

As soon as she left we immediately left out the window rushing towards Tyler's big house.

Miriams POV:

Me and everyone else in the house was waiting for y/n and Mei to get here, to pass the time we were playing charades.

Priya was doing something weird with her body infront of us.

"Uh worm!?" I yelled and asked "uh, octopuse?" Abby yelled "spaghetti?"
"Killer robot!"

The other emo girl stepped infront of me and Abby "mortality."

"Hmm nice." Priya said, uhhh ok

"Let's bail." Two guys agreed "wait she'll be here!" I resisted but they continued.

"I knewed she flake." Tyler said

Just then a knock was heard everyone assumed it was the two panda girls.

They all came rushing to the door surrounding it, "it's about time." Tyler said before opening the door.

To reveal not the red panda and instead a cardboard box's

Y/n POV:

They're not gonna be happy I thought before the door opened, they were all looking up, not seeing us and them looked down to us.

They all turned into frowns "yo what up, peeps!" Mei broke the silence.

We both walked in "What're you wearing?" Tyler asked "hey Tyler, happy birthday." Mei said

"I'm paying for the red panda?! Not this garbage, deals off!" He stated

"Wait! can garbage do this!?" I jazzed my hands at Mei doing dances... which made it more awkward that it had to be.

"Stur the porridge! Come on! Stur the porridge-" She yelled but got cut of with miriam, Abby, and Priya dragging us off somewhere

"Are you guys feeling alright?" Miriam asked worriely "it's hard to explain, just uhh trust me on this, we can't panda anymore I'm sorry!"

"Okay, okay, okay, it's fine, you don't have to do it I'll just figure something-" she moved her hands "I won't go..." Priya offered "Priya you can't not go. Jesse's your soulmate." I stated, I sighed  "if we only have enough for three tickets I'll stay home..." I said "wait-no ill stay." Mei said

"If we don't all go... then none of us should go right." Miriam said.....

I looked up at her, and then Mei, I looked outside the window "just one last time." I whispered

"Hey tyler!" I yelled, "you want the panda? You're getting the panda!" Mei finished "let's give it up for the birthday boy." I yelled, and lifted him up on my arm, as we turned into the panda

I turned the music up, then... alot of stuff happend, when not knowing it.

Miriam walked toward me, nervous as heck sweating, face red.

"Miriam are you alright?" ..."yeah I just wanted to ask you something haha."

I start to heat up but my thoughts were saying it couldn't be what I was thinking

I nodded for her to go on

She proved me wrong

"I sorta maybe like you..."

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