Chapter 5- Curse Or Blessing

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We walked in the crowded school, soon we saw our friend group.

Miriam was the first to notice us, she made eye contact with me "hey guys." She looked confused

"Hey. Girlfriends. What. Is. Up?" Mei slowly said, they all jogged to catch up with us.

"Whats with the tuqus?" Miriam asked, "uhh. Bad. Hair. Day." Mei answered.

"Did you guys like work out or something?" Abby asked, "I got you girls." She handed me and Mei deodorant.

"Both of you we need to talk." Miriam said "ok." I answered "Tyler's been telling everyone about the daisy market, he said your mom went nuts."

"And that you're kinda a perv." Priya finished "I am not a- Tyler is an insecure jerkwad, words were exchanged, slightly uncomfortable secrets were revealed, end of sto-yy"

Her eyes changed to the sparkly eyes, as she stared at some random emo looking boy.

"Uh mei?" I waved my hand in front of her face, "why are you starting at Carter, Murphy, maphu." I finished

"I wasn't!" She answered, I looked over and saw the drawings from last night.

I quickly moved my body to cover it, she confuedly looked over, she looked beside me, and saw more.

She tried to rip it off, "Tyler's been putting these up." Miriam said.

"Mei it's okay, don't get to mad because. know." I said comforting her

I looked at Tyler he was putting more up, soon they followed my eyes.

While every one was yelling at him "Devon my precious manly man." He said

I grew my tail back, I quickly tried to cover it up.

Just then Tyler ran away laughing.

"Cmon Mei we should got to class." I rushingly said

I pulled her into the seat next to me, then Miriam sat down beside me.

A/n: okay this is the way you guys are sitting: mei.....y/n.....Miriam.

End of a/n

I quickly took a drink of the tea mom gave me. While Mei was doing something in her backpack.

"Whats with them?" I heard someone from behind me say "what's with your face! What is with you? You're both being weird."

"We're just really exited about math." I said, just then the teacher came in which meant it started

A few seconds later, miriam passes a note is says | u sure you're ok?"| I wrote |yep|

She passes another one, I passes it back, she passes it again, pointing her finger on the note,

I side eyed her it read |your mom is OUTSIDE|

I slowly look over to the window, and see my mom peeking from a tree, "mei.." I whispered, pointing the direction l.

She looked and quickly hid her face, soon the security guard came and tried to ask her to leave.

I slowly turned my head back around, and put my head in my hands.

Everyone was gathering around the window.

"Guy's tell them it's mommy!" I heard her say, Mei was dying of embaresment.

"Tell them you forgot your pads!" She yelled, Mei turned into her red panda form, which I didn't know what was happening at the time, so I did also.

Mom looked at us in disbelief, Mei ran out the classroom, I quickly followed her.

I heard footsteps so I know it's no other than my mom.

I pulled her into the bathroom, and put a trash can at the door to lock it.

A girl came out of the bathroom and looked up at us, "o.m.-" I quickly covered her mouth, and put her back into the stall.

Someone was knocking on the door, we quickly forced ourself out the window.

We kept running and running Mei stopped at the daisy mart, looking at devon "aooga!" I saw him about to look at us,

I grabbed her and pulled her out of sight.

Once we were on the buildings we made a long jump, to only collapse onto the gate.

Mei ran inside crying, me following her.

I looked around to see the house destroyed, I run up to our room, I ran my fingers or claws I guess in her fur.

When mom came is she looked at us in horror, I quickly changed back to my human self.

Dad now came rushing in, looking around he spot meis red panda and my bright orange hair.

"It's happened already, both of them?"

Mei turned around "what did you say?"


Imma end it right here I might update one more time today you never know about me. If I don't today I'll definitely will tonmorow....

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